Gumball3000 2010 - Quebec city & toronto.

Dont know if this is old news
but they will all be flying over here to do the rally…

Anyone going to try to find them?

web link so you dont have to google

I will be there for sure. Like I have been talking some guys this will be a gold mine for the street racing charge. So many cars will be impounded it isn’t even funny, Gumball will never return to Canada.

hahaha, so true tom

I’ just want to get in the footage

gumball has been to canada while they had that street racing charge… i was watching the footage and they were all dying to get outta here. im really surprised they are returning so soon.

^^ hold on so its a big highway street race

lol pretty much, every seen the video mischief 3000, pretty awesome

really??? you have never heard of gumball? :/:

its a bunch of rich people flaunting their cars and paying off lawyers to drive like maniacs.


u guys gotta remember… they are foreign ppl… foreign cars…so no impounds, no jail time… no license suspension… just a ticket… or a hand full of cash LOL

yea true^^^^ they just have to return for court date… or have a rep there since they are soo rich lol

I am kind of jealous to be honest. At 120K to enter, it’s just a pipe dream for us regular folks. It’d be awesome to race across the world. The only guy that could afford that on here would probably be Dave Briggs or something lol.

Um, didn’t some people have to spend the night in Jail in the states because of their highway charges? I’m pretty sure of it…

yes they can legally hold you for 24 hours

120K holy shit!! Yo lets go buy a lotto ticket and we split the winnings. After that we enter the race!

I am not greedy. I would gladly split the earnings and then split on entering Gumball 3000. I will buy a ticket and you will buy a ticket. If by chance one of us wins SON is gonna do Gumball lol. All we have to do is win and we will be set for life.

When you are stanky rich jail is a cake walk. It’s when you are broke and can’t afford The best lawyers to bail you out, then it’s shit. I will gladly spend a night In a holding cell for their cash.

This year the entrance fee has been reduced to 40K.
Pocket change now.

I know you are joking, but man, if 40K is pocket change, tell me your secret.

in the news they said cops take away american drivers license and impound them as well. Just because they are not a canadian citizen does not mean the law doesn’t apply to them i would think.

oh and in 2009 there was a silvia in the race… wtf!

sell your blood
lots of it