Gumball Fatality

I honestly cannot say I’m surprised, Gumball is the cream of the crop of to much money, not enough skill. It’s sad this happened, but again, I cannot say I’m surprised. Please dont turn this thread into “OMG Open Road rallies” trash talk.

We’ve been covering the Gumball 3000 up to this point with good cheer, and we’d hoped it would stay that way. Unfortunately, sometimes when you mix high-powered vehicles with the double dose of stupid – adrenalin and lack of sleep – bad things can happen. Like what appears to have happened with Nick Morley and Matthew McConville who according to a report from …have been arrested in Macedonia after an alleged hit and run incident which left one man dead and his wife fighting for her life. The 67-year-old died on his way to hospital and his wife was in a critical condition after a Porsche taking part in the super car race crossed the road at speed and ploughed into their VW Golf…

  									[INDENT]...The drivers of the Porsche 911 Turbo Techart which Macedonian TV station A1 named as Nick Morley and Matthew McConville, allegedly got out of their crashed car and ran off. The station said they later climbed into another car, a BMW, and tried to leave the country.

But eye witnesses alerted police and the pair were arrested at the border.


it would not have been as bad if they did not try to run, Jesus fucking Christ, well it still would have been bad, but at least they would have had morals

damn that sucks

obviously didnt work a day in their lives for their money…to work for that kind of money, you have to be relatively smart…and if you’re relatively smart, you aren’t going to run from the police when people are hurt…

most of the dumbest criminals in the world that are hit and run offenders run with the car…these idiots left the car, full of finger prints, probably a registration, etc…they had to know that there was no chance they’d get away…


it would not have been as bad if they did not try to run, Jesus fucking Christ, well it still would have been bad, but at least they would have had morals



wow that sux. to bad they could not man up to killing someone

wow, im totally with andy on this one. what a pair of tards


to bad they could not man up to killing someone




Hope they get the book thrown at them, and hope this shuts down shit like this in the US.





what like u would be able to run off after just killing someone!!

yea right :bloated: back at u

perfect example of shitheads that fuck it up for people who loe to do stuff like this.



Hope they get the book thrown at them, and hope this shuts down shit like this in the US.




hope this shuts down shit like this in the US.




perfect example of shitheads that fuck it up for people who loe to do stuff like this.


Like anything else all it takes is one moron to ruin it.

fuck it, there is not enough stingency in their requirements for driving ability. its about who has a hot car and enough money to do it.

thats fucked that they tried to run




I agree Mike there has been many running of this event and what two people do shouldnt end it, they might change some rules or something like that but def not shut the thing down. Besides that would put pressure on rallys like the AKA one:D

That is shitty as fuck. I hope that guy gets what’s coming to him that just shows a complete disregard of morals.

And is that a Mk. I he crashed into, say it ain’t so. :frowning:




Isn’t there something very similar run here? And no, I’m not talking about the legal C&D One Lap of America.