street racing ruins thanksgiving

2 families are left planning a funeral, instead of having thanksgiving dinner…

people just don’t understand. i hope they get life imprisionment.

yup i saw that on the news last night

what a gay fucking article

fuck the idiots that crash and kill people

and fuck the government for fucking us back

people die

it happens

get over it

if they had better tires from sg and maybe some driving lessons shit would have never happened

what does that tell you

tune at sg kids

tune at sg

“an Audi and a BMW”.

But, guess who will get pulled over and harassed?

The 19 year old kid driving the 240 with the big exhaust.

They should have stayed home and watched Degrassi Junior High, there was a marathon on this weekend.

Damn, some people just don’t get it. I was surprise when I read the news. I honestly didn’t think that anyone would still be street racing nowadays.
Speed is addictive, like a rush.
Smoking kills million on a daily basic, what have they done? Regulate and create designated smoking area so that smoker and kill each others in a well enclose place, no more second hand smoking.
The same rule should be apply for racers, build a track so that street racer can go and loose control and kill each other instead of innocent people.
If a street racer dies while racing( ei: loosing control and wrap themselves around a pole or something) , I personally wouldn’t care much because they knew the consequences and made that choice, but when innocent people dies like this, it become very sad and a great tragedy.
BTW: these 2 guys better be loaded and hire some good lawyers because otherwise they will be FCUKED

Side note:
You also go to thank the cops for sending the wrong messages too.
When people go street racing or drifting behind abandoned factories or empty roads, they go out of there ways to chase them out, and where do they chase them? Onto the public the street and highways among hundreds of other motorist. I dont know how much bonus they get for catching street racer nowdays but they have to loosen up bit.

I’m sorry Samson, but I think that the people that truly deserve the life imprisonment are the media and government which are using the deaths of thee people to further their own agendas, meanwhile crucifying another group of people. Street racing deaths are tragic, but no more so than any other form of death, which happens much more often. It just so happens that street racing will sell newspapers, raise TV ratings and get idiot politicians elected for coming up with stupid draconic laws in their claims to stop it. In the end, they are the only people that “win” from this whole debacle. Everyone else loses.

Hey people, I just had a few tips, you know, the good kind, that people like, like my over use of the comma.

Thats why I ended that sentence with a period, because I used too many commas.

From the Ontario governments own website.

Ontario has the safest roads out of any county, provience, state in all of North America.

The least fatal accidents.

So, what is the problem?

I will now unvale the secret to solving all of the road deaths in Ontario, which by the way has the least in North America.

Tear up the roads, and make driving illegal.

people just have to learn how to race better… thats what happens when mommy and daddy buy their shit stain kids bmws…gahd get a real car…

^^^ awesome post.

do you know why its tragic? cause the streets that are supposed to be for the public are now dangerous and people can’t even go safely from point A and B.

i like this new law cause why the fuck do people need to be travelling in speeds over 50km/hr neways?

driving is a privilage, not a right.

the road is for everyone to use, and those who don’t know how to use it properly should get their asses handed to them. if you can do it without getting caught, then good for you. but if you get caught, just accept it since everyone knows what the consequences are.

i don’t know why ppl are whinning about this new law and all the media and stuff. its not like everyone’s combined whinning will help get the media off the tuners’ backs. just accept it and move on with life.

dont need to cut wrists over it

ive accepted this new law and just drive like i’m supposed to drive in public.

if you don’t know how to, the law will certainly teach you how to.

ps: don’t take offense solarian, i’m not speaking directly towards. just responding to some of your points.

EDIT: Flame suit on, flame on bitches

if you pay taxes then driving is a right, not a priviledge.

going 50 over is nothing… driving dangerously is.

however, this IS a tragic incident and i’m glad they are not referencing modified vehicles specifically.

maybe they realised that since none of the vehicles involved in any of the deaths this year were modified that they should sorta stop making the connection

Imagine the remorse.

Think twice before doing something that silly on a public road.

It’s a shame other motorists are experiencing the “class detention” effect though as police pass judgements on certain vehicles, and seemingly having a primary campaign of handing out “Improper Muffler” tickets.

My friend got one the other day and was repeatedly asked if he was a “street racer”. He was also told that his 100% legal Vibrant exhaust (with cat) will decrease fuel economy and cause immediate emissions failure (not). You’d like to think police could respect someone who spends the extra coin to make their modifications legal.

With all this said, thank goodness they’re around - because it is true that some drivers are worse than we can even imagine, and completely deserve to be off the road or charged. Such as the people R.I.D.E. catches.

Speaking of R.I.D.E, I got stopped by them last night, because I actually admitted to having two beers. I blew a zero lol. The cop was like… you sure you drank? I replied, bastards musta put water in my beer. Either way, it made me realize that you need to be pretty bad to be over the legal limit, and you should definitely be aware of it and not be driving.

you and several others who posted here should be banned

learn to race better? or not race at all idiot

its people like you that make me not even want to bother with cars

two people DIED! you’de have a different tune if that was your grandmother

if you think im a dick for calling you out, oh well, cuz i think your one

I agree. I think we should have zero tolerance here. Let’s ban him. I rather we have few responsible people that post than a whole bunch of ahmeds who love to “race” on the street.

People are a product of the media so it seems.

Or is the media a product of what people wish to be?

no… i think you’re right

oh fail

Also statements like this I believe are ignorant and disrespectful to a unimaginable level. Sasha I have no beef with you at all but I do not care who you or anyone are, Statements like that should also be cause for ban just because of there careless manner and disrespect for human life. I am sure you would not be talking like this if it was someone you knew.

“what a gay fucking article
fuck the idiots that crash and kill people
and fuck the government for fucking us back
people die
it happens
get over it
if they had better tires from sg and maybe some driving lessons shit would have never happened
what does that tell you
tune at sg kids
tune at sg”

“Police say the Audi hit the Grand Am, driven by Ms. Dougherty, 49, causing it to spin out of control and triggering a devastating chain of events that killed her and her 44-year-old friend, Mariarosa. They were pronounced dead at the scene.”

devastating chain of events?

sounds avoidable

ok but in all seriousness

there will always be idiots

there always have been and there always will be, i just see this as ridiculous and pointless. like tradgedies happen every day, yes if i knew those people ti would be sad, but i dont. im not going to try and empathize with a situation when i have nothing to do with it. nor am i going to try and change the world over one tragic event.

do you cuss out god when a tornado comes down and kills two people? should it be law that no one lives where there are potential tornados?

or how about typhoons or earthquakes

yes much less avoidable, but there is no way to stop silly kids from trying stupid ass shit which results in their deaths. except education

and i see no effort



to educate people on how to drive better

all i ever see

are larger fines

larger fines

larger fines

well that doenst do much good when people are dead now does it?

shouldn’t we try to AVOID rather than PUNISH?

oh wait no theres no money in that


and the media is way more interested in death than some driver education program for teenagers

forgot about that.

and now you realize, WHY I JUST DONT GIVE A FUCK!

if people wanted to make a change, they would start some serious driver education and do some crazy shit when people first got their licences that would scare them so bad they would never think of busting a move at 180km/h over a soft shoulder