street racing ruins thanksgiving

when 9/11 occurred, all we ever heard was don’t stereotype east-indian people, just because the guys were east-indian we shouldn’t prosecute all of em. Its the same with street racing, I mean, there are probably just as many drivers with fast cars as there are drivers with slow ass cars pretending they’re fast. Larger and larger fines don’t stop people. Sasha made a good point by saying “shouldn’t we try to avoid instead of punish”, which makes perfectly sense. It’s just no one has figured out how. The only way I can think of is by having tracks here and there built. With the amount of money every year that city councils waste on nothing, they could’ve built a few more tracks.

[QUOTE=Sasha (Turbo);264696if people wanted to make a change, they would start some serious driver education and do some crazy shit when people first got their licences that would scare them so bad they would never think of busting a move at 180km/h over a soft shoulder[/QUOTE]

use knifes as air bags, and im sure people would realize that the most dangerous thing they do everyday is get behind the wheel of a car.

You need the knife to bring them to reality,
yes its a car/truck/van , but it can be dangerous…
if they had a knife a foot away from their stomach im sure they would drive nice…
yea its a dumb idea,
but its just a way to show how ignorant people are.

this thread is gay

these people screwed up big time by being idiots. they deserve to be punished.

end of story

Ah, the choice word use is beautiful.

This thread is indeed quite happy, and filled with lust and joy, however I have found no homosexuality, yet.

But why end the story, when it has only just begun?

The climb to the climax has not yet taken place, we are only 1/3 of the way up to that elevation.

Bad writing perhaps?


driving is a priviledge or everyone even without a license would be driving.

a priviledge is earned, hence passing driver tests to get your license

a right can’t be taken away so easily, just like the right to freedom of speech which cannot be regulated very easily.

driving is a priviledge to those who obey the law and prove that they are capable of driving properly

LOL how old is this guy

Older than you.

You are all so nieve, in regards to this law.

LoL well put!

Another quote don’t know who it is from or its exact words but i believe its from Einstein? (correct me if u can)
“Two things are endless in this world, one is the universe and two is Stupidity.”

I believe Deterrence isn’t the correct method that is being used right now.

Theoretically that is correct, if you make a habit of blindly following authority.

Fact is, if i contribute $20,000 in taxes in a given year that gives me the RIGHT to use the resources it contributes to. In much the same fashion as purchasing shares of a company gives you voting rights.

Abusing those rights can and should result in punishment, possibly removing certain rights for a certain period of time, but the notion that the roads and driving vehicles is a priviledge is stupid.

regardless, that is neither here nor there… passing on an unpaved shoulder is incredibly dangerous.

If the kid couldnt keep his cool and hit someone while merging he obviously cannot drive. Just because it is an unpaved shoulder doesnt mean your car should go out of control upon reentering the roadway.

Also, make a point of always taking witness accounts with a grain of salt.

“it felt like an airplane went by”

what the hell kind of truck was this guy driving where a small sedan sounds like an airplane as it passes?

More on the topic of witness accounts, i personally beleive that nothing a woman ever says in court should be admissable simply because the majority of women are retardedly retarded retards. This guy in the truck sounds like he used to a woman.

And this tag-line “Centre of hell” that is appearing in all the papers.

It was a fucking car accident, it sucks, it’s tragic… but you caught the kids, they’ll get punished. I feel bad for the families, it really sucks, but the situation is being sensationalized and levied into a politcal anecdote.

Dont be blinded by emotion. The laws wont stop speeding.

sorry, university only taught me theories, never on how to apply them

hahaha jks

neways, just wanted to post the article up to remind ppl to at least drive SMART if your gonna try something on public roads.

that’s a given.

this is defiantely bad news, but it gets tainted by the way the story gets USED and not told.

it’s reminds me on Virginia Tech when the shooter had his manifesto and videos all over the TV… just focus on the people that died for christ sake

agree with sasha

driving to me is a right!!!
I need my license to work, If I can not work I can not feed my family.

you take a driving test to see if you can drive saftly on the city street.

The only way to lower the amount of street racing on the public streets is.

(1) Build a track in Toronto or open a part of the road that racers can do there thing saftly. In BC the cops have a program were they block off a section of the road to race.

(2) close down theses money grabbing so call driving school!!! and open up more car controll schools, all they do is teach you how to pass the driving test,and not how to drive.

(3) Run adds on the tv about track events and the results of the guy and girls who Take It To The Trake.

Know to the other topic about banning some people about there views. It’s wrong to ban someone because they think differently. FREE DOOM OF SPEECH.

Pure baller :smiley:
How’s married life treating you?

draggone, you’re an idiot. Building more tracks would definitely not prevent more street racing incidents.

A lot of people build cars and do not plan to them to the track.

Also, like I’ve said before, building shooting ranges would also not prevent more shoorting murders or just shootings in general.

Humans are fucked up people. And that’s something that we won’t be able to control.

your an asshole…


That’s true. However, your RIGHT is the right to vote. That determines how your resources are used. Driving is still a privilege. If a judge takes away your license, you can’t appeal on the basis of your rights being violated. You are trying to read between the lines, but it doesn’t mean you can create rights where there are none.

Very, very true.

You are correct the quote is Einstein, its “Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”

I think that quote applies perfectly to anyone who deems it a good idea to drive off onto a soft shoulder at 180+.

Driving schools like Young Drivers are bullshit, the rules and ideals they try to impart are for the most part completly ridiculous. I think it should be MANDATORY for all drivers to take a car control school of some kind before being handed a drivers license. I also think speed limits set 50 years ago when the cars weight 4500+lbs and handled like a fat broad falling down a flight of stairs are well out dated and need to be re-assesed. Of course if they did that then OPP would lose millions a year in moving violation fines and we can’t have that, they need the money to control all the gang shootings in Toronto… oh wait they didn’t solve that either.

My advice, stop street racings its moronic and no matter how much you bitch and moan, the cops will win everytime.

Dear Ian,

The word you are looking for is:



Sasha of SG