street racing ruins thanksgiving

So my boss just walked in and told us that the person Cynthia Dougherty
who was killed happened to be an employee of our company. :frowning:

I still think you guys are arguing after the fact. By that i mean that just because your ability to drive can be restricted, it is only restricted after abuse of the right.

No one is restricted from getting a driver’s license unless you are unfit or not a citizen. So how could it be a priviledge if anyone can do it?

It is also a necessity, as much as the telephone, to earn a living.

More pay for the rest of you now, amirite?

So you are telling me, if we had a track in Toronto we would have more street racing? You need to read some more buddy. Breaking News - Headlines & Top Stories | The Star
It’s proven if you have outlets for racers to go you will limit the amount of street racing!!!.

And one who cares a ilegall gun does not plan on going to a shooting range!!! So do not compare street racing with guns. No buddy build a car to crash and kill anybody.

I’d say ’ die in a crash’, but you are far too egotistical, self involved and obviously too arrogant for it to have an impact… truly hope karma punches YOUR ticket in the near future…

haha you’re a cutie :slight_smile:

In all honesty guys,

Racing all season, smashing up my car, racing from 9am to 5pm and working on the car all day in the sun is very tiring!

You don’t feel like street racing after that shit

You just want to sleep.

Outlets would reduce street racing (but cause an initial rise in street racing, as people first want to impress others with what they’ve learnt - fags, but we all do it / did it)

For shame, Solarian!


I did not mention anything about an illegal gun did I? I’m pretty sure if most of you aren’t driving unregistered cars with no license plates either.
0/10 for your lousy argument.

And how is it a proven fact? Just because “a lot” of people want a track does not mean that there will be less street racing. We do have quite a few tracks. And I mean few. However, people are just not interested in going because they are afraid to ruin their cars for the most part.

There will always be street racers no matter what you do.

By the way, have you been to the track before?

Have you actually read the law? This means if you spin even first gear you will be impounded and given the suspensions. If you take an onramp fast you will be given it. It is up to the officer as to what it is, and you are guilty untill proven innocent which is a direct violation of the Canadian Charter of Right. Also since when is a police officer a Judge, Jury, and Officer in one human, or robot?

  1. Driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to cause some or all of its tires to lose traction with the surface of the highway while turning.

  2. Driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to spin it or cause it to circle, without maintaining control over it.

This is considerd STUNTING. Yes, stunting. You will have the car impounded, licence suspension and criminal charges for doing the following;

iv. making a left turn where,
© the driver executes the left turn immediately before or after the system shows only a circular green indication in both directions and in a manner that indicates an intention to complete or attempt to complete the left turn before the vehicle facing the opposite direction is able to proceed straight through the intersection in response to the circular green indication facing that vehicle. O. Reg. 455/07, s. 3.

Well I have a better solution for everyone, why don’t they set the governor on car to 120 km hour then.
Since 100 km is the highest speed limit recorded on a highway in North America? The extra 20 km is in case you have to overtake someone. LOL
That way, no one will ever go over the speed limit. they can then channel all the highway resources to crime such as gun shooting , robbery and other things.
whoever is caught messing up or removing the governor should be charge and have their car impounded.
It’s very disturbing to have car nowadays been capable or exceeding 300 km/ hour on the dash.
They should round up all the car manufacturer and issue a governor if the car is sold in Canada.
If someone is caught going 50 over, they should govern his car to 120 km/h somehow for the 1st offence and then go to impound / suspension for the second offence?

That’s just my idea.

Mind you that going 50 over is a lot but most people nowadays are going at 120 to 130 km/h on the highway anyway so 150 km/h does not appear to be going so fast.
If everyone was going 100 km/h on the highway, 150 km/h over would def be obvious and whoever is going that fast should suffer the consequences.

Also as far as building a track? They should be building 3 tracks instead.
1 for drifting, 1 for lapping and 1 for ¼ mile and they can also have a 1 mile track if they want to for people that just want to test the top speed or their cars. Different people have different interest all together.


Alberta and British Columbia both have 110 km/h speedlimits on most of their highways, including two lane highways through the mountians.

Some areas in the United States in North Dekota have unlimited speed limits.

And alot of highways in the United States have 75 MPH speed limits. In contrast 100 km/h is 62mph. That is ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY SIX KILOMETERS PER HOUR.


DId you read the whole post I wrote?
I cared to mentioned that they shoud govern car sold in canada to 120 km/h.
Is 110 km/h in Alberta and BC higher or lower than 120 km/h?
What does the US have to do with his?
they have car for sale there but when you bring it over , you have certain regulation you need to follow:
EI: daytime running light.

Wow, 120km/h limiters would really suck! :stuck_out_tongue: If it ever comes to that, i’m out of Canada.

Apparently the truckers are getting limited to 105km/h pretty soon…! That should be interesting…

You brave, you brave.

There is nothing wrong with dreaming, is there? LOL

most trucks are already limited…

anywhere from 105 to 120. some don’t have them though.

most i’ve seen and have been in do.

trucks have that limit on for a number of reason… save gas, less pollution.
They don’t have the limit on there to stop them from going crazy and speeding like maniacs. Well mainly but it does do that :stuck_out_tongue:
The wasted gas from speeding costs them tons of money.
Plus if every truck on the road had “Hy-Drive” system then they probably wouldn’t have the limiter in effect (or different speed)
If any of you are truckers u should definitely get that system.

Just for the sake of those people who might get confused wih the whole Imperial to Metric conversions and vice versa, 75 miles per hour is actually 120 kilometeres per hour and not 136 kilometers per hour.

Actually, it is…

After you add 14% tax to the speed conversion since it’s from the US to Canada.

Guy did you read my post!!! U said we can build shooting ranges and it will not stop people from kill each other. How could you compair them together? Anway!!!
It is proven, read the post again if you did!!!. lol when is your next track day?