street racing ruins thanksgiving

…BOOOHOOO…im dont street race but still im a heartless ass i dont care

Exceuse me sir, but your writing clearly said the highest speed limit in North America is 100 KM/H.

And not only did you not say it verbaly, you typed it in writen form.

The most clear form to cite.

Would you like me to quote it again. As well as bold it for the public to see more clear?

Or would you prefer to make excuses for your actions.:bsflag:

I hate to say it but there are worse things than speeding, dangerous driving as pointed out correctly, but also inattentive driving and uncommunicative driving

take for example the car that slams on their brakes in the right lane suddenly and makes a right turn without signalling

or the jerk that decides to cut out of an unmoving lane spontaneously into one with traffic going 60 or 80km/h without looking in the side view mirror, AND as typical accelerating as slowly as possible

or the idiot who hops lanes back and forth in stop and go traffic, who is more interested in what’s beside and behind than infront, the ones that typically smack the rear of anyone turning left

or I could name many other scenarios that are far more dangerous than going 50 over… and most of them relate to slowing down, being slower, or just plain doing something other than driving

Like attempting to pet and feed your dog which is sitting in your lap while drinking your coffee and playing with your hand-held, all while merging onto the 401 at 60km/h without being able to signal since you do not have a free hand to do so.

That was a nice long sentence, wasn’t it?