DOT testing fake speed bumps :kekegay:

ha…they will fool ppl at first

$60 - $80 for each one? Couldn’t they just paint that shit on the road? My nephews can do a similar design with chalk.

That price probably includes the labor and paint.

It said they are plastic in the article.

Oh well, just another example of the government spending too much money on everything.

they would probably work well if only a few big cities in the country adopted them and used them on streets with a fair amount of traffic where enough of a portion of the traffic was people from out of the area that weren’t familiar with them and would slow down. These people slowing would keep the overall speed down.

If these get used everywhere people might slow down a couple of times until they figure out what they are and then they will do nothing.

They might be useful to warn people of something or get peoples attention more than a sign but as far as being a speed bump I don’t think they can fool people for very long.

in the picture they do not look real…also the article said it only helps for a month or so…then after people catch on it back to racing up and down city streets agian

good for the short term, horrible decision in the long run.

they look like something my 8 year old cousin would draw in chalk on the sidewalk. Maybe its the angle, but they don’t look real in anyway.

They should paint 3d images on the street that look like 5-year old kids.

Could their be a point system ?


cool, until some lady moves out of the way of those “fake” bumps and goes into oncoming traffic.

what a waste of money. maybe they could paint a cop car on the side of the road and that would work too. What will they think of next?

Or stomps on the brakes in front of them, and gets rear ended.