CANDY TIME? ***updated***

i just received 34 cases of gummi bears.

i have 50 cases of candy now…

34 15 lb cases of gummi bears
1 30lb case of gummi bears
15 15lb cases of jujubes

:shock: :arrow: 540… lbs… of gummis…

this just in:

accepting gift cards of all kinds that are useable…lol

will trade for pretty much anything so long as i cna use it.

looking for about $30 in trade value per case.

Hahahah, $30!

Ok bing, that makes it two cases for the ram since it’s worth $40 with $20 labour.


u said $10 cash…lol

Yeah that’s cash, you and I both got the the items in question for free. If were talking trading value with minimal investment i’ll raise the bar to $60 and that’s cheap. :smiley:


well i got a case of jube jubes for free

they have been at work for 3 days now with about 10 people snacking on them all the time

the box is still not empty

hahahaha !

i lost your spin knob and am borrowing some of your parts, that isnt free.

I have that and in black. I want life time supply.


I have a portible memory stick, 128mb,
