CANDY TIME? ***updated***

this is now for members only,

only because i am not really supposed to sell for cash.

it was too hard to get it all so this is all i took.

there are 18 cases of fresh ju-jubes.

i estimate each case to be between 12-15 lbs each.

the long case on the ground is a 30lb box of gummi bears.

i gotta check out bulk barn to see what eh going rate it on this $hit…lol

what you guys wanna trade?

anyone got a T28 BB turbo they wanna trade for 3 life time supplies of ju-jubes?

Need gummi bears. Will trade for sex.

since i am not supposed to take cash i will trade for parts or sexual favours.

except that i dont really want sexual favours from you guys so i will give you candy to perform sexual favours on others.

if you would like sexual favours from someone please let me know and i will charge you a relative bargain of a price.

pimping is better than selling candy for a living.

! i’ll trade you that ram for some gummie bears/jube jubes

bing you candypimp… you best bring at least SOME gummis to the meet lol

Ill buy some. Tell me the pricing

case of ju-jubes for installed RAM upgrade…

brandon get me on msn


I would like some for letting you borrow my rucas now for more then 3 or 4 days lol jk


1/2 case

Bing what type of RAM do you need? I have pretty much every type you could ever want sitting around collecting dust. Lemme know and I’ll hook you up.

Got a stick of 128 SD here. Assloads of burned DVDs

hehhehehehehe, suckers!

rich is around the corner.

i got a P3 IBM notebook off Dre and rich offered to upgrade the RAM from 256k to something more…


what else u nukka’s got to trade?


i need a tri-pod for my sony dsc-p92 digi cam.


i need a S13 passenger side door, all power with no rust.

will trade 2 cases of ju-jubes or the case of gummi bears for it…



huge sack of candy (jubes, gummi’s, real fruits etc.)

utensils required:

bowl or long flat serving plate


pour the candy on the serving plate and douse the $hit in vodka

i dont drink at all and never will but i remember we did this in highschool.

my buddy had a glass kitchen table and we poured 40lbs of gummi worms on it in the kitchen then put half a bottle of vodka on it.

amazingly the vodka never seaped out the sides of the pile…lol…it all absorbed into the gummis.

i got so fuckingwrecked on gummi worms it wasnt funny.

fucking alcoholic…

I want a case of gummy worms.

dont have them right now

i havent really looked in the candy closet but i gotta move the jubes first.

i am working on some big trades with some dudes, for those deals i will dig into the closest for the rarer candy…lol

I must have something you want.

there must be soemthing…

iono man shoot out what you got…

i have been offering this stuff in trade for pretty much anything of interest. i almost got a harmon kardon receiver for jubes last night…lol but i was too late to the punch. i dont even need another receiver, but whatever.

tri-pod for digi-cam
black, all-power, S13 door
SOHC throttle bodies
front seatbelt harnesses
clutch pedal assembly
any audio considered
all aftermarket parts considered
portable memory device

i dont use media very much (movies, magazines, cd’s) so i wouldnt think i would want any of that.

i’ll bring a few cases of this junk to the go-kart meet to trade for whatever.

but let me know before hand so i know how much to bring.