Candybars..gotta read

I know it sounds weird… but real quick story
The kid who lives next to me is close to winning the school sale and the dad was going to top it off by selling some at work but he lost his job…
they are great kids and I wanna try my best to help ( call it my good deed)
so I am trying to take orders … if you live in the Buffalo area ill drop them off for you or I can take paypal and mail them and shipping is on me…

So how about a bit of charity and we help the kid out??

choices are plain, almond, peanut butter, caramel, dark, rice crispy, and mint… I think that is all of them

how much are they

im guna guess 1$

Ill take a few Peanut Butters… paypal address?

yep they are $1 … kid wins a camping trip for the family to a place around syracuse all paid …

paypal :

send any order and addy and ill have them out within a few days

thanks guys

PayPal sent/eMail sent $30
surprise me with what ever the kid has left.

Hey thanks for starting it off the right way… I have a good feeling about this…

I’ll text you tomorrow to see about meeting up … I don’t mind cruising around

Hey thanks for starting it off the right way… I have a good feeling about this…

I’ll text you tomorrow to see about meeting up … I don’t mind cruising around

On one hand, I feel bad for the other kids that lose by not cheating the system. On the other hand, this is how the corporate world works so it’s a nice business lesson for the youngsters. Good luck to him.

Cheat the system?!?! This kid is going to learn a valuable lesson in business.

How many do I have to buy to get you to deliver to East Aurora? lol

I got $50 if you’ll ship to Rome, Italy :lol:

I’ll take $10 if you deliver to the city. Deleware Park area.

id be down for $10 anything that is not the Almond ones… im in south buffalo so can prob pick em up

i’d take $5.00 worth… almond/peanut butter if your around lancaster

This kid is going to make bank lol.

wish i knew about nyspeed when i was like 10 haha. even though that was 14 years ago. i would of won every candy selling thing

I would ride out to east aurora for say at least 25 bars… hows that?

if your serious then I guess lol … shipping would probably not be too bad … hopefully
pm me

I’ll take $10 if you deliver to the city. Deleware Park area.[/QUOTE]

sure that s no problem … pm me your number

perfect can you pm me your number and i can swing by

sure pm me your number and we can set it up

I know right!! At this rate it is a guaranteed win … … I though it would really help or it would fail … so glad that it is looking like a good success

What does the candy bar charity support? and doesn’t $150 buy you a family camping trip for a week?

You get peanut butter left?

EA really isnt that far prob a 10min ride down the 400, have him meet you off the maple exit or something. prob not any afrther than delaware park depending on where in buffalo you are