Candybars..gotta read

I thought about that too … I would say the kid is about 8 to 10ish … give or take … and the father brought the money in so it was safe … I am glad he is still trying to help out … cool guy and as far as work I never really asked but I wanna say he was a factory worker … I ll see maybe someone could hook him up

so when do the candy bars come in?

thought I would have most by today already, but I forgot monday was a holiday … as soon as i get them ill post it asap and jump in the car and head out to the folks who paypal’d … have faith the candy will come :slight_smile:

hurry up. im dying for my 30 bars of chocolate gooodness :wink:

just waiting on the school to send more … i would even pick them up to speed it up for us all if i could …

Bumped to the HOME page for you. Hope you make this kids day :tup:

I’m still very interested. Hell i’ll make it 20 instead of 10 when you get more stock. You’ve got my number :tup:

if i didnt live 30 miles away…id get some. actually, let me see if i can get my car fixed tmrw or if its gonna be a bastard…you may have more paypal…

in for 10 or so!

Cant wait for my daughter to be older when she goes in to girl scouts. I;ll make a NYSPEED Girl Scout Cookie Meet! lol


I am boxing them up for the orders I have and then I will text/call and set a meet time

thanks guys

Sweet! (literally) If you want you can leave mine on my front porch, just give me a heads up so the coyotes don’t eat

ill be swinging by your place this evening if thats cool

well ill take 10$ worth for sure. come to west seneca?

picked mine up a little while ago, great guy, good cause. now sadly after asking a few people if they wanted some bc i cant eat 20 i only have 3 left :frowning: ill prob get in touch for more

Thanks, that is one heavy box. My dentist thanks you too. lol

thanks, it was cool meeting ya … and I happen to have some more :slight_smile:

just let me know

it was a 58 minute round trip to your place lol … i didnt know if I was on your driveway or if I found a trail haha … thanks for the support …
if i recall you mentioned that you would have candy for the kids on halloween , if a kid manages to get to your door they deserve a full size bar lol

If you want more, i can relay them to you as i see you all the time on my way south on 16 and drive by your neck of the woods anyways.

well it is your lucky day i happen to live in west seneca

thanks Zak … you my friend r the shit … i was gonna say sweeter than a candy bar but then everyone would know about us lmao

Yeah, that was an excuse we get no trick or treaters. lol

Thanks Zak, if I need more anytime soon I am in trouble. I am a chocoholic but…