Cannon fun v. not what youre expecting

ever wondered the true potential of those little brass cannon replicas?? probably not. but i did. sooo this is what i did. was the glass sheild and earmuffs neccasary? not really but they make for good pictures!

God bless America. :rofl:

whats the damage…


The little flag totally makes this. :rofl:

omg i hope your not doing this in your basement

yea, more pics

and by the looks of it i would say this is in a garage of some sort

i dunno theres a hot water tank in the back, so…

and a peaked roof above it

do you think im nuts??? its in my friends basement.

Bah… bird shot’ll flatten on anything hard.
Still wouldnt point at a Hot water tank or anything.


no aftermath?

maybe he died



Omg, zombie! Quick everyone grab a shovel and beat him over his head! We shall beat the zombie out of him.

how about we beat the asshole out of u?

well, he was supposed to buy rims and tires off of me, wanted me to bring them over asap, next day when i could, he didnt return my pms or my two attempts to call him.

So yes, i think he died

i love U S & A