cant hold it anymore!

OFF topic? :dunno:

That scene came to mind the instant I read the original post too.

gangbang is better than dancing

sounds like a personal problem to me, and whats up with the girls of pittspeed making these stupid threads lately

um. i dunno about that…

i don’t cry, i state the truth.


it may be a stupid thread…but all I was doing was inviting anyone to join me.

didnt think it was a big issue?

you were dancing on the bar? i would have never suspected that of you…weird!

Matrix on Saturdays FTL, crappy drink special and it’s like $8 to get in. Thursday night is where its at.

However, if you wanna be surrounded by a bunch of meatheads in button-downs and no undershirt, goto Matrix. I’m not much of a fan of that jooint anymore.


sounds like a good time:down:

Maybe if you didnt post garbage it wouldnt get deleted… I mean if you dont like it, there is a big red X on the upper right hand corner, feel free to click it. It wont hurt, I promise…

dancing is dumb

well said Mr.Soup!:slight_smile:

missed the blimps in club gear, thank you.

i wasnt refering to my post, please go back and read the part where is says “of all posts” no where does it say “all my posts”. go on, go back and read it…it wont hurt i promise :kekegay:


I dont care exactly what your post said… its the fact that you are :crying: :crying: about posts that are being deleted… get used to it.

I see why.

You sound like a lot of fun, like herpes.

Learn anything?

:rolleyes: this is pittspeed it’s always a big issue