of what Amstel light :wackit:
yeunglings too !!! wish i wa a 2 beer again it was cheaper
find a woman now and fall asleep w/ her…
Most users ever online on a day was 151 on 07-01-2004. | The following members have already visited the forums today:
2003frontier, 4-3, 95greenZ, BlkP42E, BoostedITR41, boostjunkie, brendo, chachi , Darkstar, eurodad, feelgood7777, halo 666, Kevin, Shaggy, Sight N Sound, Silver_WS6, slowcamaro, thefranchise, turbotalon91, whitey
look you will see slowmaro what im looking at :kekegay:
jordan capri > hoe
Xanax > Vicodin if you wanna sleep. Ive seen 3 of those and two beers put a 300lb man who was up all night doing coke to sleep like a baby in like 20 minutes.
valium/diazepam > all
chase a valium with two shots of bushmills. not only will you sleep, you will melt into your mattress
Go have some kids - that’ll work!
AMBIEN good prescription shit for sleeping. If you want to get knocked out valium/xanax then some phendermine to wake you up in the morning. doctors like to overmedicate.
I have the same problem with not being able to sleep so I went to the dr today. He said Im lifting to much heavy shit at ups. Which is causing my stomache to do all kinds of funny shit to me(my stomache aint 100% heeled yet from my surgery). I was told by a certian female that I went back to work to early and I would eventually have problems. Damn it I hate when females are right which everyone knows aint that often.
no u dont get that off ur freind
why do i post :rant:
cause she lets u!!! :hsdance: :itr41:
Dr. Darkstar’s diagnosis:
Patient is suffering from acute pussyitis. Symptoms include sandy vagina, whining, and being a bitch. Pussyitis, while a genetic condition, can be intensified when an alpha female makes the patient their bitch, whilest not giving up any of the wang dang sweet poontang.
Prescription: No known cure. Patient will forever suffer through life as a whupped ass bitch.
thats a good one