Cap and Trade

You’re so full of shit. Listening to you’re retarded babbling is like listening to Rush/Hannity/Beck greatest hits.

I guess you really think that your elected officials actually read and carefully consider the content of every letter they receive, and that when you buy a piece of property here in PA that you also own the mineral rights…
What fucking dream world do you live in???

I was being sarcastic. I guess they didn’t teach that in your school, eh?

Yeah, I doubt it will still get that 30mpg after all the mods you just did…

oh fucking well, I guess the joke is on me, huh? :rofl:

Clean fucking air has absolutely nothing to do with anything in this bill…carbon dioxide IS NOT POLLUTION stupid fuck. It’s what you breathe out every minute of the day and it’s what plants need to exist. This bill is about carbon dioxide emmissions and it’s all phony bullshit. It is just another way to tax people and corporations to death.

Carbon Dioxide is not pollution. k. Of course science would disagree with you, but what do they know. :rofl:

If you have no problem paying for illegal aliens and worthless bums on welfare to get free healthcare…that’s cool, I just disagree!

You’re doing it already, in case you hadn’t noticed. Genius. :ugh2:

And, NO, I do not like, nor do I listen to, either Rush or Hannity…both are total blowhards.

So when they say the same retarded shit you’ve been spewing they are blowhards, but when you say it, you’re Einstein. Gotcha.


Holy fucking shit did you just call our Commander in Chief Anti-American? Jesus fucking christ I was thinking you were just an idiot, but it’s now obvious to me that you are a terrorist. I’m going to be a good American now and report you to the FBI. Thanks!