Cap and Trade

More bullshit to pay for.

Some excerpts to pique your curiosity:

“Cap and trade is the tax that dare not speak its name, and Democrats are hoping in particular that no one notices who would pay for their climate ambitions. With President Obama depending on vast new carbon revenues in his budget and Congress promising a bill by May, perhaps Americans would like to know the deeply unequal ways that climate costs would be distributed across regions and income groups.”

Full article: Cap and Trade

This bill will go a long way toward completely destroying what’s left of our economy…

Good job all you faggots who voted for O-BUM-A!

Yep, it was Obama who’s fucked this country over, not having Bush the last 8 years. You’re a real genius.

Not saying that Bush was the greatest…obviously he fucked up royally in the waning years of his term…some say that he was drunk most of the time the whole last year of his presidency…that’s the main reason we got stuck with this socialist faggot that’s in there now!!

All I know is that when Bush was Prez, my tax bill went down and I had more ca$h in my pocket. Let’s see what happens in the next four years shall we?

That Cap and Trade bill is supposed to increase the cost of energy over $3500 per year for a family of four.

I guess when we are paying over $4 per gallon for gas, you’ll sell that 'Vette and get a little Prius right?

Also, Bush was not a socialist and believed in capitalism and free markets. O-BUM-A hates the USA and capitalism and is trying to turn this nation into the next USSR.

If that’s your thing, then so be it…just be careful what you wish for!!

And yes, I am a genius, thanks for noticing! :tounge:

exaggerate much?

Most of it is understated actually…

So when Bush did his big bailout, that wasn’t socialist? I’ll bet you watch LOTS AND LOTS of Fox News, don’t you? Keep drinking that Kool-Aid…

All I know is that when Bush was Prez, my tax bill went down and I had more ca in my pocket. Let’s see what happens in the next four years shall we?

You’re right, that really is all you know. It’s pretty obvious. Because if you knew MORE than just that, you’d know that Bush cut taxes while spending like a gasp … wait for it… wait for it… SOCIALIST!

What would happen if you started spending 10 times as much money as you are now, and then told your employer that your paycheck is too big and that you want to give some of the money back. What do you think that would do to your personal finances?

That Cap and Trade bill is supposed to increase the cost of energy over $3500 per year for a family of four.

Write your elected officials and tell them to push natural gas. Or get a producer to drill a well on your property.

I guess when we are paying over $4 per gallon for gas, you’ll sell that 'Vette and get a little Prius right?

Vette gets almost 30mpg on the highway. Well, at least it used to. :kekegay: Also, company truck ftw.

Also, Bush was not a socialist and believed in capitalism and free markets. O-BUM-A hates the USA and capitalism and is trying to turn this nation into the next USSR.

Sure he is, Rush Hannity. I mean, wanting America to have clean air and everyone to have healthcare. What a sick, evil son of a bitch. He doesn’t want you to get cancer. What an unbearable prick. Thank god REAL UHHH MARE UHHH KINNZZZZ like yourself have sniffed out his evil plot.

Actually, what was it that you faggots used to say when I bitched about Bush? Oh yeah, that’s right… WE ARE IN A TIME OF WAR. IF YOU ARE NOT SUPPORTING OUR PRESIDENT YOU’RE ANTI-AMERICAN. IF YOU DON’T LIKE THE WAY THE COUNTRY IS BEING RUN, GET THE FUUUUCK OUT.

^^^^Post of the year^^^^.

I believe I already stated that Bush fucked up royally in the waning years of his last term…evidently reading was not one of your strong subjects in school…and no, I really don’t watch Fox News very much…I really don’t need talking heads on TV to tell me what to think, but good try anyway…

I guess you really think that your elected officials actually read and carefully consider the content of every letter they receive, and that when you buy a piece of property here in PA that you also own the mineral rights…
What fucking dream world do you live in???

Yeah, I doubt it will still get that 30mpg after all the mods you just did…

Clean fucking air has absolutely nothing to do with anything in this bill…carbon dioxide IS NOT POLLUTION stupid fuck. It’s what you breathe out every minute of the day and it’s what plants need to exist. This bill is about carbon dioxide emmissions and it’s all phony bullshit. It is just another way to tax people and corporations to death.

If you have no problem paying for illegal aliens and worthless bums on welfare to get free healthcare…that’s cool, I just disagree!

And, NO, I do not like, nor do I listen to, either Rush or Hannity…both are total blowhards.


^^^^Idiot of the year^^^^

You’re so full of shit. Listening to you’re retarded babbling is like listening to Rush/Hannity/Beck greatest hits.

I guess you really think that your elected officials actually read and carefully consider the content of every letter they receive, and that when you buy a piece of property here in PA that you also own the mineral rights…
What fucking dream world do you live in???

I was being sarcastic. I guess they didn’t teach that in your school, eh?

Yeah, I doubt it will still get that 30mpg after all the mods you just did…

oh fucking well, I guess the joke is on me, huh? :rofl:

Clean fucking air has absolutely nothing to do with anything in this bill…carbon dioxide IS NOT POLLUTION stupid fuck. It’s what you breathe out every minute of the day and it’s what plants need to exist. This bill is about carbon dioxide emmissions and it’s all phony bullshit. It is just another way to tax people and corporations to death.

Carbon Dioxide is not pollution. k. Of course science would disagree with you, but what do they know. :rofl:

If you have no problem paying for illegal aliens and worthless bums on welfare to get free healthcare…that’s cool, I just disagree!

You’re doing it already, in case you hadn’t noticed. Genius. :ugh2:

And, NO, I do not like, nor do I listen to, either Rush or Hannity…both are total blowhards.

So when they say the same retarded shit you’ve been spewing they are blowhards, but when you say it, you’re Einstein. Gotcha.


Holy fucking shit did you just call our Commander in Chief Anti-American? Jesus fucking christ I was thinking you were just an idiot, but it’s now obvious to me that you are a terrorist. I’m going to be a good American now and report you to the FBI. Thanks!

Not to get into the shit flinging here but…to look at this another way…

By placing a cap on carbon emissions, and yes carbon emissions are pollution. It forces a capitalist economy to find new ways to make power without having to pay the tax.

For example the introduction of wind power, would create thousands of jobs in manufacturing, installation, as well as raise property values for areas of land suitable for wind farms.

The point is, while I personally don’t like my gas bill going up any more than anyone else, you cannot build a castle without stones. If you want this country to be strong it needs funding, and no politician in the world can create revenue without taxation.

The whole idea of America is a democracy, and it will function just like that. If you believe that the president himself will magically make this bill pass through the house and senate without it being scrutinized by both parties, then your sorely diluted.

If anything this bill is quite “American”, its taxation put in place by representation of duly elected officials. And if the American economy reacts the way it classically has, it will adapt, if coal is not cheap to use anymore, companies will find new ways to make power at reduced cost.

While this bill is radical, its far from “the sky is falling” situation that several people have made it out to be.

If you really think that carbon dioxide is a pollutant and you are really concerned about the effects it is having on the planet, then why don’t you just go ahead and kill yourself.

That would cut “global warming” by at least 50%…:smiley:

LOL!!! Hahahaha

Darkstar knows all:rolleyes: :autovette:

:rofl: nice find sonny

cut spending and use current taxes to get by. There is more than enough waste in the current gov to get operating costs down to acceptable levels. Taxation has been tried and it does not work.

face it, america as we used to dream about it as kids is gone. I am just pissed that I brought 3 kids into this world to witness the complete and total fucking mess the last few generations got us into.

Bush was a moron but obama is 10x worse than bush and he is just getting started. I can’t think of any stance I agree with him on. This tax on pollution is retarded. It is a tax on false presumptions that we are causing global warming, Al Gore can eat a dick.

Global warming is a myth and the idea that “global warming” is caused by humans is completely fucked up.

Yeah, I am… wow, glad you brought that to light.


You were saying?

The funniest thing about all of the whining in this thread is that it impacts us Pittsburghers more than anyone else in the country, since we’ve been ranked the WORST CITY FOR AIR POLLUTION IN THE COUNTRY for the last 2 years.

You’re raising your kids in the most air polluted city in the fucking country (that’s right, worse than Los Angeles, NYC, Philly… etc…) and you’re ready to take up torches and pitchforks against someone that’s actually trying to make it a better planet for your kids to live on.


Two of those articles reference the same person from Stanford (who says the deaths were from ozone and particles, claiming they were “spurred” by CO2), and two simply give CO2 emissions rates with a vague reference to it being a pollutant. I’m not claiming to know the answer as to whether it’s a pollutant or not, but those weren’t the best examples.