Cap and Trade

So when Bush did his big bailout, that wasn’t socialist? I’ll bet you watch LOTS AND LOTS of Fox News, don’t you? Keep drinking that Kool-Aid…

All I know is that when Bush was Prez, my tax bill went down and I had more ca in my pocket. Let’s see what happens in the next four years shall we?

You’re right, that really is all you know. It’s pretty obvious. Because if you knew MORE than just that, you’d know that Bush cut taxes while spending like a gasp … wait for it… wait for it… SOCIALIST!

What would happen if you started spending 10 times as much money as you are now, and then told your employer that your paycheck is too big and that you want to give some of the money back. What do you think that would do to your personal finances?

That Cap and Trade bill is supposed to increase the cost of energy over $3500 per year for a family of four.

Write your elected officials and tell them to push natural gas. Or get a producer to drill a well on your property.

I guess when we are paying over $4 per gallon for gas, you’ll sell that 'Vette and get a little Prius right?

Vette gets almost 30mpg on the highway. Well, at least it used to. :kekegay: Also, company truck ftw.

Also, Bush was not a socialist and believed in capitalism and free markets. O-BUM-A hates the USA and capitalism and is trying to turn this nation into the next USSR.

Sure he is, Rush Hannity. I mean, wanting America to have clean air and everyone to have healthcare. What a sick, evil son of a bitch. He doesn’t want you to get cancer. What an unbearable prick. Thank god REAL UHHH MARE UHHH KINNZZZZ like yourself have sniffed out his evil plot.

Actually, what was it that you faggots used to say when I bitched about Bush? Oh yeah, that’s right… WE ARE IN A TIME OF WAR. IF YOU ARE NOT SUPPORTING OUR PRESIDENT YOU’RE ANTI-AMERICAN. IF YOU DON’T LIKE THE WAY THE COUNTRY IS BEING RUN, GET THE FUUUUCK OUT.