Cap and Trade

Nothing to do with unemployment; just stated because both parties blame the prior President when the current one is/was having troubles getting his own plans rolling.

Many who were quick to blame Carter, and the blame was justified but glorified by the republicans, are the same ones to blame Obama, when Bush2 could be just as easily blamed as Carter was for the state of affairs during the next president’s term of office.

I only compared Bush2 because we all are quick to blame the prior president when it suits our party favoritism.

I just find it funny how closed-minded many are when it comes to our air and our health care. Both suck, but our high-horse American attitude doesn’t care unless it directly affects us or our families, and even then, we’ll sacrifice good health care for all across the country, and clean air in the most polluted city in America… when it messes with our pocketbook. We have someone trying to do something about it. And he gets trashed. But I don’t see any better ideas coming from anyone. So we get sick from our air, and have sub-par health care try to make us better.

Not trying to idealize any belief; just playing devil’s advocate because I work in health care, have seen other countries do it better, and I care about the air my kids could get cancer from.

Just because Obama is trying to do “something”, doesn’t mean he is trying to do the “right” thing.
I don’t think cap and trade is going to do very much to change the amount of pollution in the air we breathe. There are more effective(and more cost effective) ways to accomplish that goal. Cap and trade is heavy on politics, and short on actual results. We should demand something better than that. Sometimes, “nothing” is better than “something”, at least until a better “something” comes along.

I have no comment on health care, as i have not seen any concrete proposals as of yet, just a bunch of “maybes”. You will get no argument from me that the system as it currently exists is fucked up. The first step is to get fucking lawyers away form health care. Without tort reform, you will have a hard time getting costs under control. I don’t see that happeneing under the current administration, but maybe i will be surprised.

Yes, it’s common to blame the former president for the early problems(and sometimes the later ones…LOL). This recession started under Bush, and although both parties have plenty of blame, most of it usually rests at the presidents feet. However, it was not Bush who said that unemployment would not exceed 8% if his “stimulus” bill was passed. That was the Obama administration. Seeing that it’s now 9.5, Obama either lied to get his spending bill passed, or he had no idea that unemployment would reach the level it is at. Either scenario is not a good thing.
Based on his campaign, i had expectations about this administration that have not happened. Imagine that, a politician lied.

No shit…

Thanks for the educated insight instead of slamming another’s thoughts. Especially since my “thoughts” aren’t solid and I still see many faults in anything government, and anything Presidential, regardless of who is in office. Always the same old rhetoric.

I’m trying to keep an open mind because the problems are there… I’m trying not to be like those who just don’t believe anything is wrong enough to change; the “As long as I have a job, and I can breathe… and my health insurance is OK, nothing is wrong, so fuck everyone else” mind-set.

I am still trying to figure out how the government is rationalizing that taxing companies will make the air cleaner? It sounds like the gov will make more money and just waste it like they do with the current tax money.

All I know is that a drive through Liberty Borough on any given night is enough for me to know something ain’t right with the air and something needs done. Clairton mill FTMFL

something may need done, but taxing companies who will in turn raise prices for all of us is not the answer. The companies will just charge more to keep the same profit margin.

so what’s your brilliant idea?

I am just a computer nerd, I am not in the position to think up new ideas about pullution. I just don’t think this solution does anything more than give the government more money to waste, raise the prices of goods, and drive usiness away from the US.

If I had to pick an idea off the top of my head, I would give a small tax break to companies that are more “green” instead of taxing companies that are not. :dunno:

You’re a real fucking genius, aren’t you? You do realize that giving pollution ridden companies a small tax hike is about akin to giving green companies a small tax break, right? Either way you’re penalizing the bad companies and rewarding the good companies.

And you’re missing out on a potential outcome in your little synopsis… What if the pollution companies were to gasp spend some money to pollute less and then save money on taxes?!?!

He already said he believes the polluting companies will just raise the costs of good and pass their tax increase onto the customers.

There is no guarentee they are going to pollute less.


Here’s a handly little tidbit of knowledge you’re not grasping. It’s going to cost money for the companies to stop polluting so much. The cost will ultimately be passed on to the consumer one way or another. The trick here is to make it cost MORE to pay the tax than it is to invest money to pollute less, thus giving companies an incentive to pollute less.

The days of cheap, clean, easily obtainable energy are over. The big gripe you SHOULD have with the Obama administration is that they aren’t pushing Natural Gas as hard as they can.

It’s cheap, clean, domestically in abundance, can generate heat, electricity, power cars, etc. This new Marcellus Shale formation could turn Western PA into a booming area again. 50 trillion dollars worth of gas under your feet. That means jobs… thousands of them. Hundreds of millions of dollars payed out in royalty payments to local residents, etc…

Click this link. Read.

Sad thing is, companies, especially utilities, will pass anything on to the consumer, even when nothing is there to base it on. They never will NOT profit.
I’d bet that the companies who are green and wouldn’t get taxed under this would still increase rates, because they can try to piggyback on to the others with increasing rates.
Bottom line is that we’re fucked as consumers regardless. If they don’t raise rates because of the cap and trade, they will for something else.
With that said, I’d at least like to have cleaner air if I’m going to be paying more for rates/prices.

No solution is perfect as long as the companies in question operate under less than ethical mindsets. And that will always be that way. It’s cheaper to pay the tax and raise rates than it is to spend the money learning to pollute less.
And it won’t change as long as we have consumers who would give up clean air for lower prices. The lobby for clean air isn’t large or strong enough. Cancer is fun when you have a few more bucks in your wallet.

Gasoline cost $1.25 a gallon 5 years ago. You will never see that again. So the cost to fuel your car has doubled.

Why is no one calling for the heads of speculators who ran the prices up? Why is no one bitching about this? Because if a company decides to take more of your money on it’s own, that’s capitalism and its ok? But if the government does it, and does it to force companies to pollute less instead of making more profit, it’s socialism and it’s evil and it’s ruining our country.

There are some seriously fucking stupid people out there. Lots of them on this website.

First go fuck yourself you piece of shit.

Second stop promoting your stupid fucking business. I’m sick of seeing your stupid posts about natural gas, and go fucking figure that is your livelyhood.

You want to promote your business go through the proper advertising channels asshole.

MDS Energy, Ltd.
409 Butler Road, Suite A
Kittanning, Pennsylvania 16201
Office: (724) 548-2501 Fax: (724) 548-2330


Man, I was trying to be sneaky but you caught me. Thanks for really fucking my shit up and posting our name and phone number too. That really pissed all over my “trying to get free exposure” campfire.

You’re fucking brilliant.

Go the fuck back to Pittracing you fat fucking Cavalier ricing douchebag, or go put out a fire k

This coming from the pathological lying pedofile pool boy from OC. Go fuck yourself seriously.

Liar? Nope

Pedophile? I assume you’re referring to the Russian girls, who were all 21 or older. :ugh2:

Pool boy? Was. Now I’m a gas man as you SO astutely pointed out.

OC? Try again.

God you’re so full of fail. I can’t wait till the day that there’s a thread on here about your fat face and shit bike being implanted in the grille of a dumptruck.

Yeah won’t happen, but I can’t wait to read about you getting shot by someone you pissed off. Or it would be great to run into you at an accident and get to cut your midlife crisis car apart, preferably with your dead corpse in it dead.

The only thing that is fail in this thread is you and your stupid antics. What else is new though with your 18,000+ posts of “look at me I’m dickstain and I know everything”.

How little kim doing you lying piece of shit.

I’m a pathological liar because I went to some shit ass club for my girlfriend’s friend’s birthday in OC where Lil Kim was supposed to do an appearance that night, but she backed out at the last minute?

Wow. Just wow.

Lots of people do appearances at bars in OC. Mostly reality TV stars, Bam Margera, etc. Like I was so excited to see Lil Kim, I just HAD to make it up. Cause Pittspeed would have thought I was cool if they thought I was going to be at a club in OC full of nigs and Lil Kim.

Fucking priceless. :bowdown: