
Is there any place local that carries a wide range of capacitors?? I need a 180uF 30V capacitor that is good for 105 degrees celcius. My father has an older LCD i took apart and noticed one of the caps was bulging. Instead of selling it broken i would rather try to fix it and sell it for much more. Haven’t had much luck finding this exact cap. I was able to get more hits on 35V. Found it on digikey and one other site but they want like $8 and $14 shipped for ONE cap that only costs 40 something cents. Thanks for any help.

There is an electronics store on Vulcan road in Tonawanda. They have everything and i bet they have those too.

Radio Equipment Corp, on Vulcan St.

They’ll have it, and if they don’t they can get it.


Seems to have a decent selection of those over 35V. (I’m assuming Radial PC mount.)

awesome. thanks guys.

im still looking for one of the Flux variety, version 8.8 UGH


found their website

went there today and they didn’t carry the size. he also couldn’t order it. said it was a very odd size cap. but he recommended a 220uF 30V. bought it for a buck. if it doesn’t work then o well.

Unless you need something RIGHT NOW, it’ll almost surely be easier to source the parts online.

As far as local, I’ve had nothing but good times with REC… though I’ve only been there a handful of times.

Try Lifetime Service Center,they’re a forum sponsor.

However,I’m not sure if they sell parts to the public.Doesn’t hurt to call though.

I would NOT substitute capacitances like that. If its in a power supply then you may get away with it. If its anything generating a signal then its a bad idea. $20 is nothing…

i wouldent even bother fixing the thing not worth it. you might get $50 for it… if lucky

power supply is a seperate brick. but if it this thing burns up o well i guess. was worth the try.

the problem with the monitor is that when it turns on it lights up and you can see the display say “no signal.” the no signal is not the problem because its not plugged into the computer. BUT after a few seconds the backlighting goes out. you can still see the message on the screen. Now this lcd has two boards inside. one im guessing to process the signals and the the other, where the blown cap is, to turn on and power the backlighting. I know this because i removed the board with the blown cap and turn the monitor on. It still turned on BUT the backlighting did not come on this time, only the message in the background.

…free to me turns into money when sold. how is that not worth it? we must all be so rich that 50 bucks aint worth it anymore. that doesn’t matter though. it is not being sold. my dad wants to give it to my brother.

Be careful man… backlighting inverters can put out a serious voltage… it may be stored in the caps even after its unplugged

have you tried looking there to see what they cost? you might find other crap you could purchase from there

edit: oops just read that you already looked online… :frowning: gl

most websites didn’t have 180uF 30V. They had 180uF 35V. the cap was only like 4X cents, but after shipping and other crap the totals were around 13-16 bucks. and mouser wants 25 for the 180uF 30V cap. yikes. thanks for the link though. i actually forgot about mouser.

aw come on. discharging capacitors the wrong way is actually lots of fun :bloated: . electronics teacher in high school demonstrated to us how much damage even small caps could do. then he brought out a 10 farad cap, that was unknowingly discharged, and played hot potato with it.

In Science class we had a hand crank generator apparatus with a built in 120V light bulb. It was a nice display to demonstrate how a generator works.

We decided to take the bulb out and hook ourselves up and see who could last. My cousin held on and I cranked it over at a moderate …pretty slow. He held on for a few seconds while screaming.

My turn. I hold on nice and tight. THIS MOTHERFUCKER goes FULL bore, and cranks that god forsaken thing as hard and fast as he can. I think they heard me screaming across campus. With electricity, your muscles contract so you cant let go… in fact you hold on tighter.

I thought my eyes were gonna fall out of my head.

Yeah so I hid under a stairwell with a steel pipe and returned the favor. LOL :deadhorse2: He had a bit of trouble using his arm for the rest of the day.