caption this photo

Looking for funny youboty captions for this photo.


Sorry, it just looks like a good catch to me…

I can’t think of anything at all that wouldn’t be a far reach to something close to funny.

hibbity bibbity bobbity boo, imma catchinz me dem foot bowz

nice ass?

Girl, I been shakin’, stickin’ and movin’ tryna to get you and youboty.

youboty wanna ball, lewis may take the fall, put that gummy goo gum drop in your shoe, ma ma

too soon junior

Go go gadget Youboty shoes!

These response are so bad I think they just gave me cancer.

This is a horrible caption.



on a side not, lewis looks kinda like he’s river dancing.

yeah, big fail. thats a sick catch! its foot ball, they all have tight pants on and they all dive to make catches when needed. soooooooo…thread fail if im not mistaken

i can has football?

the fuck?


posted that due to post further up.

“nice catch”


Hey retards, Youboty PLAYS DEFENSE…

hence the “I Can Has Football?!”

who said otherwise? (just reread the thread)