Car Audio for sale

1)you were suggesting it in a FS thread.
2) w7 is not the only way to great sound
3) just because I (and by suggestion, he) doesn’t want a W7 doesn’t mean either of us can’t afford it

  1. I highly doubt your high and mighty w7 costs more than my entire system - of which you don’t even know what it is. My PROCESSOR alone cost me as much as your high and mighty w7

and you were the one to run your mouth first, dick\

run along and let your mommy and daddy buy you another w7 for christmas :slight_smile:

LOL at the bickering

even tho I’m agreeing with pwnt by pat my system pieced together USED is still costing more then 5k. I can afford a w7 I just dont want one, they arent proven to make me happy I know I’ve heard them before.

also take note I had a 18inch XXX in my car before, THAT sounded good.

who fucking cares. systems are gay.

systems arnt gay…

pwnt by pat is…

proven wrong and still ignorant…



bump come take it open to any and all offers.