car buying help

posting for a friend:

A buddy of mine is buying a car from a private seller and there is still a lean on the car.

What does he have to do to get a clear title from the seller? what steps should be taken? Obviously the bank where the car loan is through has to be paid off and produce a clear title, but I don’t really know all the steps. I don’t have the time to research this at the moment, so if anyone could help, that would be greaaaaaaaaaat. Thanks.

Pretty much the seller has to pay off whatever loan company that holds the title. Im pretty sure that he would have to pay this guy whatever he’s asking for the car and then the seller would have to go to/send in the remaining balance. They will give him a lean release pretty much just saying that the balance is paid. The seller would then have to give your friend the title and the lean release so that he could register the car in his name the NYS could give him a clear title. There might be something im missing but that’s pretty much the gist of it.