Car Club Leaders


lets be nice and all get along…

Originally posted by ShalerPunk
muffler bearings

:rofl: :rofl: whoa that was funny. never heard that one befor…

did you notice the sarcasm??

Originally posted by sunhawk08
Hey guys I live in Uniontown Pennsylvania 60 miles out from Pittsburgh. And I am looking for a car club I.E. place to drive and hang out. I know nobody in Pittsburgh and i wanna see some nightlife action down there. I drive a 1993 Pontiac Sunbird SE Convertible. Its pretty fast for what it is.But ummm If someone wants to hang out and cruise leave a thread please.:cool:

Don’t bother with these dickheads…

We hang out on Ohio River Blvd ( north rt 65 ) its called Kilbuck Twp. At 10 pm or so we meet up on Saturdays:cool:

vote For shaggy:D :smiley:

hahah shaggys’ being nice to get a vote.

kilbuck is the hot spot

Originally posted by Shaggy
Don’t bother with these dickheads…

We hang out on Ohio River Blvd ( north rt 65 ) its called Kilbuck Twp. At 10 pm or so we meet up on Saturdays:cool:

vote For shaggy:D :smiley:

have fun nice cars its fun to go to. ill see you guys this weekend

Originally posted by BlueMeanieTSi
hahah shaggys’ being nice to get a vote.
sending someone to kilbuck to race isn’t being very nice :rofl::rofl::rofl:

oh sure lock it when im the last poster. make me look like i did it :rolleyes:


Originally posted by BlkP42E
oh sure lock it when im the last poster. make me look like i did it :rolleyes:

Please see the noob rules above sir. :tounge:
