Car Fire(s) At UB




And I wish my coupe was parked next to them.

I want to hear a call to an insurance company when you tell them, my car caught fire.


what if all 9 cars were on the same insurance

That would be one way to piss off the Gecko

I’m sorry, I guess I should have wrote “I’m too lazy to bother getting them off my phone. Of course I know how to get the vids off, but I fear they are not good enough to bother since my camera on my phone sucks anyways and it really isn’t worth my 2 minutes to send them to email, upload them to my FTP, and host the video that just shows some smoke coming from a couple cars.”


Man, sucks for people that only had liability on their car… Fire/Theft is covered by comprehensive…

Unless they go after the insurance company of the car that started the fire… if they can figure that out… But i don’t know if they can tell, and if they can, idk if the liability would even cover that much damage…

Yet another reason to not park near other cars…

if they trace it, that car’s insurance will probably pay for the rest and if their liability isn’t high enough to cover it, it will probably come out of their pockets. Thats just my guess though.
