Car Fire(s) At UB

Everyone is talking about multiple cars set a blaze in the Jacobs parking lot at UB. From what I have been told, one car was on fire and spread car to car.

Street is shut down and trucks everywhere. Anyone get pics or can confirm this?

Did anyone get hurt?

I hope everyone is ok.


anyone remember when that girl’s saturn burned to a crisp halloween of '02 in the porter lot in legoland?

Total of 9 cars were damaged. I dont know whether it was arson or a case of one car in the middle catching on fire and the other ones being too close because im at work and missed the call.

The girl’s car that started it had faulty brakes. They got so hot, they ended up lighting the engine on fire somehow.

Oh, and the girl’s last car’s engine blew up, this was a spare car. :lol:

Oh, and I suck, I forgot to take my camera out there to take pics :frowning: I work in Jacobs

did a black 07 camary catch on fire ?

<-Runs to park his Jetta there.

Insurance money here I come! :headbang:

All I saw were the trailblazer that started it, a new hummer, a white civic, and a red accord i believe, the others I’m not so sure about.

Most of the cars weren’t even fire damaged, but it was so hot inside the cars, that the fire dept. had to bust out windows


I’ve got cell phone pics coming soon, hang on.

I bet the hummer started it

Let the speculating begin: I’m guessing that some toolbag in his badass never-take-it-offroad hummer put in a system and used power wire that was too small.

I don’t like Hummers. Well, the ones GM makes anyways…

My phone camera blows, sorry guys.

Ahh. Im in the Computing Center and heard about it. We ran over but it was already done :frowning:

I was there watching the 20 foot flames coming from the hummer before the fire trucks even showed up. I was driving down maple and saw the black billowing smoke start, and decided to go investigate :slight_smile: I parked my car nearby and saw the fire just spread from one car to another. It took about 4 minutes for the firefighter people to show up, and by that time 4 cars were engulfed with flames.

I dont know how to get video off of my camera phone, but… it was pretty entertaining.

Not every day you see multiple cars on fire in a parking lot!

Im not sure what car was to blame, but it was either the hummer or some blue old blazer (i think)
The hummer was in flames tho when I arrived and the two cars to the sides of it weren’t. So, it was either the hummer or that blue older SUV.

My personal insight :lol:
It was the faculty lot… perhaps a student got a bad grade from a teacher and decided to toast their car?

A friend said it was a gas leak in one of the cars, and it spread to 4 others

i wish i saw it!

Attach the video to a MMS message and send it to an email

I saw it after the fact visiting some job sites on campus. Lots of molten metal and just an interesting scene all together. I was like daammmmmmnnnnn but didnt stop to look…just kept on rolling.

dont you build computers for a living too?

Who is that aimed to?