Car for $700

ya know, GV10798024 legitimately tried there. you’re going to have a tought time finding something for 700, come up with 1200 and you’d have twice the options if not more.

or look at $1,200 cars and jew them down to $700 :stuck_out_tongue:

Real men drive these…


No you ass, you look at 1800-2000 dollar cars and negotiate 1200.

I remember seeing you post that you make ~$50,000 a year. Granted, that’s not a ton of money but it should allow you to own a car that’s more than $700

A lot of people on here are full of shit, Jam.

what a shit show

It’s not for me jam… And if I didn’t tie myself up in other stuff I could own something that’s new but right now is not the time. I choose to have my own place also, I don’t need to explain myself on a public forum as its none of anyone’s business and yes I might make good money but that’s not a factor here. The people that kno me and what I make understand.


You’re going to have a hard time finding something in that price range especially from a Honda that isn’t rotten, beaten to hell, rattle canned, modified, and burns/leaks a qt. of oil a day.
Honda kids are cheap broke asses, but want a million dollars for their half done, rattle canned, barely running “projects” that only needs xxxxxx amount of parts, but they just don’t have time for it.

Your standards are too high for the price range.


I think everyone on here gets that, except him…

I’ve picked up a few cars on the super cheap and barely needed anything to get em running :shrug:

Da integra for $300 not rotted and all it needed was main relay to run and cleaned iacv/fitv and it was solid

Eg sedan traded a smashed blazer and a couple hundo and drove it all winter/used it as a parts car

Ef hatch for $800 not rotted and put like 200 into the motor and dd it now

I’m not saying thye can’t be found, but they are few and very far between.
The garbage far outweighs the “diamonds in the rough”.

LOL my car payment is more than that a month.

$350 is scrap value. You’re going to have a really tough time finding a decent $700 car, that doesn’t have C.S.I. all over the interior and frame rot. Having it pass inspection is a completely different story. People that drive $700 cars and have decent tires/brakes and no check engines lights, just spent the past 6 months, including christmas money to get the $800 to have decent brakes and tires. They are going to cherish those new sneakers and stoppers.

That’s nuts, Beck…

I said Idc if it has rot… My standards are not that high, you guys are taking this above my standards… I’m not saying I need just a Honda either

Put $1,000 down and lease something for $200/month. What do I know, though?