car nicknames.


oohhh snap!!! i didnt even think of that!:R its true though. lol

all the more reasons its such a fitting name

im getting a decal saying paris and put it somewhere on the car. lol

lol nice

now all i need to think of is where to put it.

hhhmmmmmm …back windshield?..quarter panel window? if only i cud see a more full picture of ur car

how bout right on the ass?

The wine-red reminds me of Elmo… perhaps have a small Elmo hanging above your exhaust?

My ma’s Accord is called ghey-mobile because of it’s purple-esque color. :smiley:

i cant put elmo on my exhaust. thats just too mean, he’d be flame grilled.:C lol

Man, just stash him in the rear windscreen then.

If someone has a stuff-animal of the Purple-Cookie-Dildo-zuchinni-lookalike-thing from McDonalds, give me a shout, I want one.

anyone that can find an elmo thing i can attach to my rear bumper. let me know too.

cant belive no1 mentioned Elanor with that fine ass lol from Gone in 60 seconds btw all of the 50 cars in the movie have “girls” names so if u didnt see the movie already rent it


the said character in question is named Grimace. grimace was the bombdigity

Thanks, don’t want to know, how you knew that!:wink:

Can’t track down a stuffed animal though… closest thing I’ve found was a backpack… in Australia! :frowning:

Or this for $20 (Located in Hong Kong)

So much for that idea!

he secretly has a fetish for grimace. just kiddin kev.

what are you talking about? he’s big, cudly, furry and on top of that, he’s purple, like zomg, what’s not to love?

haha, and i knew his name because back when i played cs, alot of people thought they were origional by using that name

wow you play cs and from mississauga if you drive a skyline we can be like best friends for life aha lol jk

when i rolled in my sunbird which i miss constantly we called it the sun pigeon, and me and my buds always drove to lunch and race people on the way there and we were dubbed the blue rocket crew lol. the car was a pile of crap. Rusted to the point that when you hit a puddle or it rained or snowed the inside would flood, bent steering colum so right turns were close to impossible, interior smel like mold, only thing i liked about it was the 3.1L V6 had so much power, and wasnt very common in the 4 door. till the day i crashed her because the steering colum broke, when i drove her onto the flat bed, she still started no problem. the sunfire, I call ghost rider.