car on fire on mcknight

damn… i thought i was rolling up on a checkpoint. :hsugh:

looks like a car hit a pole near boston market… at least 10ft flames. detouring traffic through best buy and target.


My mom said the same thing, she thought it was a checkpoint, too. But no, just massive flames in front of the paint store.

copy/pasted from a FF board

Ross Police is screaming that there is something on fire on McKnight Road in Ross and he needs it shut down NOW!! Update to come…from what i’m gathering…a truck ran into a building with entrapment and the truck is on fire…truck into a telephone pole at Boston Market…no longer entrapment, but the pole is sheared and must be across McKnight northbound…transformer on fire…sounds like a mess…both northbound and southbound lanes are closed with lines across all lanes of McKnight Road…

The last I heard Mcknight is still closed and heard command requesting 246 and another company, not sure who. 246 engine one non-emergency but laying in. Anyone have any updated info? Also just heard 171 get dispatched for a 2nd alarm possible structure fire ( apartment building ) in the City of Duquesne.

Saw on the news this am. Was a black and orange harley f250.
Wasn’t OrangeSS was it?

Jeff has nhis truck! Jeff u ok???

x2 ? ? ? ?

no eric got it back yesterday. i don’t have hte truck anymore

just talked to eric it was not his truck just saw video and that thing is Fubar

glad to hear it wasnt it either one of you guys…sucks for who ever it was

yeah, i thought it was a checkpoint too, by the time i got there the flames were out though.

It was a Harley Davidson pick up . Went off road sheared gas line and hit the building . Flames were from the gas line that was ruptured

I got detoured through targets lot flames were goin strong

were you in the back of JC_Turbo’s car? he called and told me about the fire while sitting in the target lot.

damn. we should have had a meet. sounds like we were all there about the same time… weird, it was right after last call.

omg a fire

I got the call/text around midnight.

:rofl: and a ford was involved. coincidence? i think not


I shoulda made smores