Great Southern

is burning down…
dad went to work at firestone in bridgeville and seen smoke near crazy horse, so called 911. now theres a shitload of smoke and from the sounds of it on the scanner they still cant find the source, and its getting much worse, just hit 4th alarm

so warning to rt 50 travelers, its probably going to be fucked up

hear it started between crazy horse and the dollar store

its getting real bad from the sound of it on the radio…
sounds like their losing it

their shutting Rt 50 in bridgeville down and rerouting traffic… so warning.

county just requested par, counted 13 companies


i drove past this morning and saw flames shooting from the back of the building…smoke like crazy too

sounds like they got it under control in the bar, a team inside stated that they have near 90% visiblity inside crazyhorse and asked for another team inside to pull the ceiling down, command declined that and stated there is still fire in the rear of the building and into the dollar store spreading thru the walls towards rt 50.

so i guess the fire is just eating up and moving on down thru the buildings

Same here…guess we got lucky cause I didnt hit much traffic

do u have a pittspeed shirt on?

fuck now all that traffic is gonna be re-routed right where i drive to get to class

and before it was the crazy horse, callahan’s caught fire a little while back thats one of the reasons it turned into the crazy horse

:rofl: no

I was in the callahans fire… it wasnt that bad, just a kitchen fire and didnt spread, this sounds alot worse then that tho

yea i few friends of mine worked there at the time and now actually work at the crazyhorse i havent got a chance to roll by yet and see exactly how it looks but from what im hearing it sure as hell isnt good

I like the place just fine, but the country thing is about to die out for the clubby people. Actually, that fire had good timing if they’re going to remodel for the new hotness of 2007. Whatever the new hotness is that they put in, if it involves pink shirts, the usual tough guys and/or feather boa’s, count me out.

im sure you WERE in it

he got shut down at the place so he did what he usually does

what are you talking about?

QUIK do you ever stop talkin shit on anyone? all it is every f’n post you are fuckin sayin either your truck is the shti… or someones car is a POS or talkin shit on someone. damn man. calm the fuck down and maybe people wont think your a douche.

i heard about it on the radio and the computers at work. thank gawd i work CIII area.

where am i talking shit? but if someone else says shit its ok but if i say shit then im a douche?? get real

Hence the name " #1 hater in Pittsburgh"

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

no reprucutions from the administrators for useless jabber that says kinger is a freakin arson???