Car Poll

less than all 3 of those.

How much you pay?

no Acura, no respect.


****, for $12k I’ll take 2, kthnxbye.


no love for a fellow AUTO enthusiast?

whatever, pops. old ass mo fo

Auction price?

I still think you should get the subaru. :slight_smile:

subaru probably wouldnt have broken the first day he had it

a non turbo subaru would have been boring as ****.

It broke??? What happened?


sucks man…

they are paying it, so its not a huge deal… water pump was leaking when i bought it.

just gotta wait for the parts to get here. hopefully tomorrow they’ll show up.

GM quality at it’s finest

my ford didn’t break the first day I bought it :moon: :smiley:

mine breaks all the time. what’s your point?

So how do you like te new car? I am considering a GXP in the near future…or a CTS.

It’s high time you posted pics of the new car.

ill go out on the lot and take a few.

From what I have driven it so far, about 25 miles, I love it. good power, handles alright. the only thing it’s honestly missing is some more supportive seats like the GXP has.

other than that, i love it.

Here ya go… ill get some better ones when i get it home. hopefully tomorrow. waterpump and shield has to come from michigan

I have an Impala LT as a rental in DC right now… actually not a bad car for what it is. I can imagine how the SS mods would make it a nice DD.