car railslide!!!

saw this car on milestip today!!

Hahaha. nice.

The reflection in the rearview mirror looks all surreal.

prob some old person.

mm that’s more of a 50-50 grind I’d say

it’s funny, ina skateboarding magazine, this pro skateboarder Tosh Townend crashed his is300 hitting a guardrail. since it was published ina skate magazine (Big Brother), the editor described it as “it started out doing a 50-50 and ended up in a smith grind, finally resting ina back lip” and I knew EXACTLY how the car scraped, haha

i saw that car today too. milestrip near abbott.

yea it was sweet. my camera just had enough power to take that 1 pic, i got soo lucky

woah…thats nuts

nice pic :tup:

hahaha i pictured it exactly too.

thats awesome

The he went to hit the exit ramp and pulled a fakie.

Sorry, my skateboard talk is very rusty.

Nice pic. Wish I had the pic of the lady that pulled out of the car wash and drove into the drainage ditch at the street leaving the ass end up in the air. :slight_smile:
At least her car was clean.

Didn’t you do that once too AKA-Ferrari? :lol:


ditto i actually LOL’d.