Damm Nasa!!! They gonna get us killed!!!

dude i totally agree with you, i did find a formula for their explaination, but i don’t know how to type it on here it has all the weird symbols, i think you’d be able to understand it, i’ll try to copy it on here but its on a vid.lol

dude i agree with you too, what pisses me off when i herd about this, and what got me was, that most people are saying its not possible, and even if it was, it is impossible,lol being a guy who is set on thinking always that anything is possible, it gets to me that if these morons know its not possible why the fuk are they still going to try it by crashing the cassini into Jupiter, being positive and thinking anything possible is good as long as the after effects don’t hurt others.

i wish their plan fails and the cassini goes off track, but then i hope it dosen’t bite us in the ass 50 years from now when an alien civilization gets pissed that it crashed on their planet, and they come kick our asses.