Damm Nasa!!! They gonna get us killed!!!

Nasa has been working on a secret project from the start of its life, they test nuclear power out in space, not going technical, because this information is provided all over the net, I found out that in 2006 many people observing planets saw a black round spot on Jupiter, the size of earth!!!, it was later found that it was a nuclear explosion Nasa had tested, by crashing the craft with nuclear war heads into Jupiter, well the whole thing about, “something major is going to happen next” is this. Nasa is sending a Nuclear bomb about 25 thousand times stronger than the one that exploded on Jupiter which was the size of the earth, the reason, well they saw a disruption in the south pole of Saturn, and believe that it may be a dormant star, so they want to blow up Saturn to a new star, i.e. SUN, why, because they are playing God, the religion the powers today that rule still believe in Sun as God, do some research.

Atlantis is just east of Washington DC under the ocean, and Washington D.C is a Calendar, most of its calculations are seen from high altitude looking down at it, hmm why the FuK would that be, unless you had some form of transport that could hover and read the maps and calendars from high above, crop circles, and other shit.

to get back to the point, if Nasa does blow up Saturn which they probably will, as no one has ever heard or even knows what Nasa does. The outcome will be mass radiation from Saturn that will fall on earth and people will get sick, only realising the effect 28 days later. And millions and millions of people will die; only those who have professional underground built bunkers will survive.

These are just few of the things that are going to happen, there is a lot going on and slowly some of the information is being leaked, but this is only because now there is pretty much nothing anyone can do, but just sit and watch their ass get killed. By being ignorant people have fuked each other up, we all are going to get rammed in the ass for it, we lost!!!:mad:


How long until it gets to Saturn? 5 years?

Reference sources, evidence please, otheriwse its just another wacked out conspiracy. And what kind of disruption are we talking about around the south pole of Saturn? I’m quite interested in physics and am curious what the rational behind declaring saturn a dormant star is.

What are you trying to say? Nothing here makes sense. When you mention calculations, what calculations. By transport you would mean a satellite or a space station. Why do you need to read maps and calendars from high altitutes? What do crop circles have to do with the topic of firing nuclear missiles at Jupiter?

How will they blow up saturn? If you accumulated all the worldwide nuclear warheads, you could only blow up earth 7 times. Accumulating that much power into a single warhead and then powering it to fly towards saturn will take an enormous amount of time. Also, the propulsion system of this magical nuclear warhead is in question. What magical power will we use to shoot this missile to saturn? Keep in mind the distance between earth and saturn. it took 3 days for the apollo spacecraft to reach the moon. to reach saturn at that speed it will take almost 30 years.

i would love to see your sources for this ****ed up theory.

Link to this information?
I can’t find anything relevant to what you just said.

At most, this could just be some terror scare started online.

Edit: Couldn’t have said better Caleb.

Another thing. It is impossible for saturn to be a dormant star. Saturn, like Jupiter is a Gas giant. Meaning it has a small rocky core and has an atmosphere that is composed of gasses such as helium and hydrogen. In Saturn’s case it is impossible for it to be a dormant star because a star is composed of primarily an enormous concentration of gasses and radioactive energy meaning that an enormous area surrounding saturn would have traces of elements and compounds required for forming a star. Then why would the rings of saturn be composed primarily of liquid metallic hydrogen, liquid helium, ice and rock?


go work on your car.

hahahaha one of these days, the truth behind the tin foil hat will come out.

isnt it so the aliens cant read ur mind?

Yes, something like that. But people don’t believe in Aliens so when/if they come around we’ll get to see it at work.

hey, man, I feel your interest but you have to do research yourself, I tried to be vague about this because this is no joke, I didn’t want to go to into detail for reasons.

But as a Source, here it is, bare with me this shit is very complex, but it all joins into one. The NASA info I got from my cousins mothers cousins daughter, she is a Nasa Atomic Scientist, and she told us this. Among other very scary shit, what makes it so awe like is that most of these things are about to happened very soon, and Y2K was just a way or stunt to make people become sceptics about conspiracies. BTW I miss type about the black spot on Jupiter it was 2003, my bad.

This is no theory, if you want to see sources, spend some time reading books in libraries, on the net, and then try to puzzle things together, let me explain to you briefly, there is nothing to do with aliens, end of time, and religion, all the secrets are about “time, space, and life cycles of planets, galaxies” and so on, who ever has the knowledge of this is able to live for or survive for ever. You and I could live like this everyday not knowing the next hour is the last something is going to happen like massive floods or some solar activity, so we are not able to prepare ourselves, and so we die, where as people who have knowledge of the bigger picture will do something about it.

like you said Saturn consist of very dangerous gases, and when those are ignited or blow up they quadruple in explosion, that’s why they are looking to penetrate the south pole and have the nuclear explosion happen in the centre of Saturn, what scares me more, just by luck, I watched a movie called “sunshine” 2 weeks ago thinking I wasted my money on a stupid movie, until I was told this and saw the relevance, I have never seen “28 days later”, because I hate scary or violent movies, but I might have to watch that now, since I was told the effect of this radiation would take effect “28 days later”

you know the stupid thing about this, my sister cousin, said, they are not even sure if it’ll work but they want to do this to see if God will interfere, when I herd this, bro I was so scared.

It’s hard to explain by sources, my family is very mixed, and most of them in high importance positions we get to hear a lot of weird shit.

The stuff I was trying to say about Atlantis, and other civilizations is that there were peoples before us, civilizations, that destroyed themselves, because of WAR, and this is about to happen to us as well, “we are about to have a war with IRAN now” we are about 20% from WW3.

well im not gunna put a tacky piece of tin on my head…lol

If you don’t have the balls to digest something don’t be ignorant, go work on my car, hmm 1st i don’t have a car but a bike, 2nd, i wouldn’t post this up here if i didn’t think it was important, even if it dosen’t happen now, the consequences will effect us sooner or later, what will you do then.

Funny thing is you keep rejecting ideas, therefore you never develope, but develope a closed mind. Those who open them selves to all ideas are the ones that are the wisest, because sooner or later everything starts to fall into place like a puzzle, even when all those ideas fail, a truth is left in each, for us to combine to the final truth.

you don’t make money sitting at home, you dont climb the corporate ladder without effort and by putting work into it, you won’t ever know the truth, but you can get a strong idea to what it may have been if you try.

From the last time I remember we didn’t gel to well, so I stayed off your post and I’d appreciate it if you’d do the same and stay off mine, so we don’t come into each others path and cause useless debates.

And man I could careless what you think or what you call, you are some guy who left his family and lives on his own right? that’s what I recall from our convo’s, so what do you really know about family?, the person who told us this is young, and related to us, and concerned about it because its going to happen so soon,so she told us, its not even an issue of telling someone something or not, when you people are unable to hunt your own food, remember this conversation and then try to laugh, that’s if you are still alive.

We have to keep living the way we are because we can’t pause our lives, but we also have to keep a concept open in our minds that shit can change like that. Let me give you an example and I know you know this “pyro”, how many people or your friends or even people you know would know what a soldier goes through in a war, you see the soldiers that come back from war become crazy, because their brains are not accepting the possibility of something so different, our minds are brainwashed to accept anything bad as not real, look at the people of today, how many of you would be able to survive tomorrow if you had no “gas” just one everyday item from our daily lives missing tomorrow, 90% of you would die starving, count how many things run on Gas.

and any ways many people are starting to figure it out, I think this might not be true, but then again what is, but some smart people are saying that our history has an error of 4 years and so 2012 is actually 2007, usually I would laugh at this fact like anyone else, but hey, that is something to think about, I should do my own research before debunking that claim. And from what i’ve found, it “MAY” be true, still not sure yet, but i’m preparing myself anyways.

my sister’s boyfriend’s cousin’s mother’s brother’s son’s fiancee’s daughter’s friend once told me that the moon was made out of blue cheese, and that the diary farmers have been extracting cheddar from there since the cold war :R

sorry, but this thread and your responses are full of nothing but random gibberish i’d usually only associate with the national enquirer :rolleyes:

you spout out all this garbage and tell us not to be ignorant individuals, and yet you want us to take your argument at face value with no source, and no proof. besides, what is the point of this thread anyways? are you trying to organize a massive hippy demonstration at nasa to protest their allege use of nuclear weapons on jupiter?

dude, i’ll need to smoke 10 bags of weed before i can take this seriously.

No offence, i am going to have to agree with Cal-Soy on this. Its almost imposible to do that, it’s probablt take a life time to get to saturn, its not just the time think about how much fuel they’ll need for that…wow:drivin :C

^^^ you know that sounds like a good idea, maybe you didn’t know but when you smoke up and get high you tap into areas of the brain you don’t use all the time so you are in a higher sense of articulation.lol

I don’t care if you believe me or not, my main point is not to make you believe but, look at this and maybe try to figure out what and when and try to be positive and post up any research you might have.

All you guys talking about how long it will take and how much gas will be used to complete a mission to Saturn, should look at yourself, you guys want to say im crazy and this that, well for your info, we already have a sr-71 military manned and unmanned plane that can go faster than mach 3 about 2000pmh plus that’s about 3200kmh its average speed. So don’t even talk down on me if you have not even the slightest idea of what you are talking about, just to show you how much you think you know let me post this common technology for you, to let you know that your brain in tiny just like you, if you discredit people without proof.

I also want to add that the nasa space shuttle can reach speeds of 19,000mph, and we have been using pretty much the same technology since the first space launches 40 years ago, so im sure Nasa has space crafts that are unmanned and able to reach saturn in short time. Even if it did take time, how do we know when they sent them. If you notice we usually get de-classified information about a decade later if its of minor secret level, other secrets take longer to get out as public knowledge.


this topic is one more proof that drugs and the internets shouldnt mix haha
praise the lord and pass the ammunition, the wars are coming ya hear

i would sincerely like to meet you ismo, i hope you come to the first TNC meet for 2008

This may be off topic, but its just a little idea of that we do have issues, and a lot is going to change soon be it reality or conspricies.


