Thank you “Hanzzz” i really respect, and appreciate you for your courtesy towards me, and yes, i will come to meet you.
I just hope people can understand that i love all kinds of people and i’m not trying to be some hero or something else, i just want people to realise that things are going on and we all have to do our OWN research and prepare OWN selves.
its like the saying “you have to see it to believe it” or something like that.
ps: signs are all over, of things different, tonight i watched four stars or just white lights far away from us in a triangular form, i did not have the compass to give you coordinates but it seem to the north, one light(star) was the tip one on the left and one on the right and one in between the two star lights, creating a triangle for more that 5 hours, its late and i haven’t gone out yet to see it again.
HA my friend … if your scared of this shit … u clearly haven’t begun to look into the world you live in . start with something simple then work your way up … this this is nothing! you should really be wondering why a) CIA engineered and introduced ‘crack’ into selected low income neighborhoods in the USA and few other select country’s such as Panama , and Liberia. and b) why does CSIS have a branch office in France? … thats just random crap , but just saying there are much bigger issues in the world , and their are allot more ****ed up and unknown things that will **** us over in the end besides a wild theory on how exploding a nuclear charge in a gaseous planet will create a “self-luminous gaseous spheroidal celestial body of great mass which produces energy by means of nuclear fusion reactions”
why are all of the things you talk about so American based? i think your the one being blinded here… USA’s fall is inevitable , it will happen in our children’s life time … it’s arguable but Americas demised started in the 70’s (or 80’s hence "it’s arguable) so its still early in its down fall but soon enough … something will happen . G-d and History my fiend ,…G-d and History…
Honestly, as much as i would like to even consider believing you. You dont post information and theories like this and then tell us to do the research ourselves. This is why you’re getting flamed so hard. If you wanted us to take you seriously you’d provide us with your internet based references. Its impossible to penetrate the south pole of saturn is supposedly the hottest place on the entire planet, the area burns hotter than mercury does when it faces the sun. In order to detonate a any kind of warhead/missile there, the entire thing would have to be made of or coated with insane amounts of carbon tetra-oxide gel (its shit that coats the bottom of atmosphere-entering spacecraft). Saying you heard it from a cousin’s mother’s cousin wont have anyone on this site taking you seriously. And there were tangents there that made absolutely no sense like Atlantis and War. How do these connect with your theory of nuclear detonation on jupiter and saturn. And why would Nasa and the American Government seek to create a second star in the solar system.
Why this is completely baseless is the basic physics of it. Currently our solar system’s star, The sun holds 8 planets in orbit (recently down from 9 cause it was concluded that pluto was just a satellite). If our 6th planet which according to you is a dormant star, then if/when it becomes a star, would not the gravitational field conflict with our Sun? If the Sun has a stronger gravitational field than Sun#2 (saturn), our days and years will lengthen. The earth will never know night or darkness. Thats if we’re lucky too. if Sun2 is relatively as strong as Sun1, then all the planets in between the two stars will be completely torn into pieces as they continue rotating around Sun1.
It is impossible to have 2 stars in the same solar system. Physics will not allow it. This isnt even any kind of complicated physics, its as basic as grade 10 science.
Now if you want everyone to take you seriously post some sources please.
Btw what rabbit said about the CIA releasing crack into our society. I’ve also watched that in a documentary. That and something including the war in iran/iraq is all on the path to a one world government and a 1 world currency, in hopes unifying the African Union, Asian Union, North American Union and the European Union under a single world order.
Rabbit i agree with you dude 100% i know a little about that stuff.
why i refer to America all the time, because they are the one’s taking us down to the rabbit
Cal-soy dude, i respect your views and i don’t know how much i can do to tell you what i know, because what i hear and get is from alive people who are in these fields, i’m not even sure if i will find anything relative online, i will try but i doubt it, because like “djPyrp” said most of this stuff is so confidential that its risky telling family members let alone find it in media.
I just don’t say anything else because you guys and people will call me and i don’t want that.
if you guys want info pm me, or meet someone who knows first hand what they have seen. I pm’d Hanzz, dunno if he can hadle what i told him, but if he can then i might bother with the rest, but im just saying what i have been told.
Cal-soy, just one more thing dude, I’m not as educated as you in physics, so sometimes when I type I may be misunderstanding to you, like when I said that Saturn being a dormant star, from what I understand its not a dormant start but a substitute, like it has all the ingredients and size to “possibly” become one if an explosion inside is great enough, but like you said that is impossible, that’s what I mentioned before, the person who told us this said the same thing, that there is a great possibility that it will not work, but there is some chance that it might. That’s why im very interested in what you have to say, because at the moment im like the middle guy who tried to get this out and try to get more information from people like you. Though from what I was told that this project will have results sometime coming summer.
What is that supposed to mean? we already established that we arent talking magical world of warcraft stuff here. So why would someone live forever just from knowing shit like that?
How do you know it will quadruple in force of explosion? Any exact numbers from your cousin the atomic scientist?
What the hell is a sister cousin?
So what if your family is mixed? My cousin dates a white guy.
Atlantis was destroyed because it was built atop a volcano not war. The actual remains of the city itself are located on the coast of greece.
I dont know how soon NOW is, but i’m pretty sure any conflict between Canada and Iran wont happen anytime soon.
If you’re talking about America instead of Canada, i find it hard to believe conflict will arise between American and Iran within the next year. Maybe within the decade but not NOW.
What calculations or references allow you to presume 20%? why not 30% or 40%?
If you ever choose to post any kind of theories or conspiracies please at least provide some references or sources. And please no more hillbilly sistercousin spelling/grammar/sentence structure. Its a headache to decrypt and read.
not calling you crazy or anything but this is almost near impossible to believe. mainly because the cia or any intelligence agency monitors every single byte of data that goes through the net. like it or not. i know this for a fact because its well documented and proven. i majored in computer programing in college so i know how easy it is to implement something like this. even at my work place there are keywords in place that whenever you type it, it just takes 30 seconds for someone to see it then about a minute or two for security to escort you out of the premises. its happened twice already because people there didnt believe the warnings our head of security gave them. the cia on the other hand has a very complex system that not only monitors every single keyword they deem a threat to national security but it also tracks your location within a matter of minutes from the moment you enter that keyword in. they have on file every single top secret project and a corresponding set of keywords that might reference to that project. if anything your saying is true. id expect someone knocking on your door within a day or at someone having a nice long talk with the original source of this info. there is no such thing as freedom in this world. dont take this the wrong way but have you even thought that the original source of this info might be just a little loose up in the head. it is possible and you might not even realize it.
k, guys maby its time. Its called " The Lucifer Project"
this is the only relevant site i found, maybe you guys can relate to his science, but here’s another professional in this field explaining a situation, i was told off.
yes "assasin’ i know what you are talking about thats why i was trying to not mention the sources, but people are like that they don’t belive your word only what they see, so i posted the project name, lets see what happens next, already when i created this thread my replies kept getting removed, and computer started freezing, so what ever, if these guys want to come after me its their choice, its not like i ain’t hooked up with the
I can see where you’re coming from now. but this differs greatly from what you proposed. First of all, this is half scientific half conspiracy. This project lucifer, if it exists at all, exists to provide a second place that can be inhabited by humans. That being Titan, which seems like a perfectly legit reason.
However, all that bullshit about keeping it secretive and injecting PU238 into the hotspot in order to create a mininova, which will create new world order is a bit far-fetched. And all this dust and ozone bullshit will take long after 2009 to completely settle. Good find, but extremely questionable.
meh. one reason why i left the States **** bush and politics. everyone is corupt no matter who you look at. Cnadian, American, Mexican, French its all the same shit. just different. bush is just a pupet in all this along with being the biggest idiot the world has ever seen. but im not going to get into it.
i hope he some how doesnt make back into things with the next election…i would really like to see ron paul get presidency…even though i dont even live in the states…but i know what they do effects us too
**** i have my last exam to study for and that clip that cal-soy posted up is ****ed.
i can see it happening, do any of you guys know that a nice license is being issued out already?
this license, almost like that ID card they talk about contains ALL your information and this and that…
shit is crazy…i want to watch the whole thing.
on another note, this shit is bound to happen, but its cool to read about because it just wows you. just live your life and protect those you love and enjoy life till you can’t.
Dude, you still don’t get it do you, you asked for proof, I can’t mention my sources or their names, so I find something from online to give you and you still doubt it happening. I don’t know if your read the whole article, but they are already close to Saturn, so they sent this thing 10 years ago, that would make it 1997, and it takes them about another 5 years to plan for it and maybe another 5 to prepare (estimate) might have taken longer, so basically this whole thing was probably though off somewhere in the 80’s.
There is one more thing people have to get out of their heads, and that is no one is ever going to give you the whole truth, every truth has a little lie and a conspiracy behind it, that’s how they keep people confused, I am very surprised Cal-soy that even with formula’s or a whole 5 page or more of how this is being done in your physics lingo you still doubt this, when this project is in its final stages already.
You say oh yea I could see the reason because they are trying to help humans and look for a potential place for us on titan, dude, wake up, this is the "lie part of the truth, the truth is that they are doing it, and the conspiracy part is the rest of the unrelated shit that comes with it all.
Let me explain it to you in lamer terms.
lets say you need $100, and had no where to get it right away but from your dad, so you ask him Dad I need $100 its very important, your dad says why son, no you can’t have the money, then you say but dad I just got a call from my bank and they said I need to pay them $100 ASAP for my bill. So your dad says ohh okay that’s important I will give you the $100.
On your way out you say thanks, but when you get in your car you say fewh I have a $100 to get that fender fixed that I busted doing drifting in the snow, fewh no one will ever know.
In this case you needed $100 what ever way you could, imagine the $100 being the project money, your dad being the Government and Tax authorities, and then creating the PREFABLE LIE, that you bank wants your bill paid ASAP, this is what people want to hear so they will approve what you are doing. The conspiracy was that the outcome was different as it was planned.
What is conspiracy?
It’s a refer to surreptitious or covert schemes to accomplish some end, most often an evil one
Do you see what im saying now, that’s how these projects work, there’s truth in it, but also lies and a conspiracy. From the small example I gave you most people would think that’s not a big deal, but what was done was a “CONSPIRACY”, and we ALL do it everyday!!! and it was still evil.
Anytime you lie to a friend from what really happened you “Conspire” this word is being missunderstood by most people its not to do with big plots and lies, its relative to every one and every double sided story you, me or the government makes up.
Because thats how long it took the cassini to reach Saturn from Earth.
And i think its more of nuclear fission that may create a nuclear explosion from a chain reaction than and actual nuclear bomb, im not very smart about this kinda stuff, ask Cal-Soy.
I do have the balls to digest information such as this…i just choose not to.
dont get me wrong, it is interesting to read about but i live to much of a happy-go-lucky life style to care.
if in 10 years saturn actually blows up and were all dying, the first thing that will come to my mind will be “shiit…he was right!”. ill even shake your hand.
My post was not ment to be offending, i just prefer to take everything with a grain of salt, and focus on things one day at a time.