Car Suggestion for $5k

Looks like I definitely need a second car out here in SF, so I’m planning to spend no more than $5k on a DD. Using this car as a stepping stone until I save up enough for either an M35/45 or a 5-Series.

So I’m looking for some recommendations on what to get. Being that I’m on the West Coast, AWD is not truly necessary. I only have 2 requirements - Not FWD and has 4 doors. I would obviously prefer a manual, but wouldn’t rule out a slushbox.

I’ve been thinking maybe a manual E34 525/535 or a 1st gen LS400. Yeah, my choices are kinda on either end of the spectrum, that’s why I’m open to suggestions. I’m also not ruling out an 94+ E class.

I was going to suggest a turbo volvo 850R but you said no fwds. Which sorta sucks because these cars rule.

if i was going FWD, I would most likely choose a 94-97 accord, TL or RL.

Q45? Im not sure if they come with 5 speed.

Buy 2TurboZs Audi A4 and we’ll drive it out to you :tup:

i am considering the q45 but they are really hard to find used b/c no one bought them new. last gen A4 is a distinct possibility but i doubt i could find a dependable one within my price range.

Kyle’s is very clean, 5-speed. It used to be AWDrifters car and he took great care of it.



E30. You can beat the piss out of them and they take it and keep on driving. Classic german styling, cheap maintenance, easy to work on.

kyle’s a4 is a steal for 5,000. :tup:

Yeah my A4 is pretty swell…2.8 w/ average miles for the year 96 with 145,000 on it…but no turbo = long life…timing belt and control arms were replaced so it should be good to go. Alot of people are getting 250k out of them with no issues. Let me know :tup:

buy jacks 3kgt for another thousand dollars

Lincoln Town Car-97ish range, RWD V8 and cant beat the :pimp: factor of a 5-body trunk :lol:

People probaly think you’re a limo driver when driving one of those.

early 90s 3 series

my first car i drove was my parents’, black on black with tinted out windows. you wear a black suit and sunglasses in that thing and “limo driver” isnt quite the stereotype that comes to mind, but its just as good.