^^^thanks for the tip… lol jk.
No i just knew some people that have. Plus its always handy to get in chicks cars in high school when they lock them in.
Ya your right that is framed door but still extreamly easy. They pop out no problems. Sorta like a GTP. There a lil tight though
But ya that sucks big time!!! Hope the ajuster helps you out. Tell them the glass was JDM and is expensive!!!
underground parking is the worst for car theft crimes.
shit! thanx for telling me!
guess i will just tough it out then and try my shitty luck
Very shitty to hear Mike. I’ll ask around.
On my good CRX I have the compustar two-way… no LEDs or other indications it’s there. I want to catch the mother fucker that tries to jack her. :axe: