Care to make a bet *for marc warning*

A dollar to whoever can watch that ENTIRE video from start to end.

a) nothing gory

b) nothing sexual

c) nothing sick

just generally messed up.

Give it a shot.

you owe me one dollar.

OMFG BAHAHAHAH!!! Im sorry, thats got to be the funniest thing ive seen for the past few days, simply because im sitting here stoned, and watched through the entire video with Diamonds and Guns by the Transplants in the background. SHE FUCKING DANCED TO DIAMONDS AND GUNS! It worked so well together, creepy synch ups lol. Video = saved!

and a dollar for me also. I will collect tommorow.

FYI She is, in fact, a he.

a transexual.


lol, that only makes it funnier!

Seen it already.

Full video.


dolla please.

that was… weird

Guess I owe you a buck.

that scared the fcuk out of me.

her head is HUGE


i get a buck too! noice


umm what the fuck is that thing

wow imbred status max

it was pretty gross…
i had to stop it

That chick is ripped…nice! I love a girl that takes care of herself and tries to stay thin. :shock:

Brother + Cousin = That thing

this must be her dog

Is that dog real? That thing is gonna replace the giant squid in my nightmares.

Voted World’s Ugliest dog. :dunno:

If there is uglier I wouldn’t want to see it that thing creeps the hell out of me. Damn. Bring on the horse porn again. I need to get the image of that dog out of hy head.