Carlisle 2006

So here are my thoughts on carlisle 2006 while the pics upload.

The show, pretty much sucked balls. Low attendance, I as well as others could not find everything, dudes skiing in the summer were lame, the bikini show was real weak, the burnout competition was ok I am just tired of seeing whiplash’s car. so thats that…

the night time activities… pretty freaking awesome! but sooo many cops

it was good hanging out with fellow board members, and new friends that we made along the way like catfish. So that should sum it up for me, i am sure others will chime in. Don’t believe the stories you hear about me though. they are all false. the salsa bottle slipped out of my hand

Don’t believe the stories you hear about me though. they are all false. the salsa bottle slipped out of my hand

is that like dropping the soap??

thank god i ended up not going

Yea the turnout was the lowest i’ve ever seen at the fairground. I was really really surprised to see that there werent that many people there. Whitey what hotel did you stay at? I saw a couple of members cars from here. I cant think of his name now but hes from johnstown and has the black boosted hatch?? I saw him and a couple of others but thats it.

Edit: I beleive it was munster ek i saw(black hatch)

best part of the show was after at the bar

Hey sinister your lifetime membership to yuppies was approved and your keycard can be picked up at the little blue house. ZING POW.

All im saying is whitey I will be over to get the tapes we got because i want to edit that asap. Because thats going to be one hellova funny video… “I lost everything man…” Also, the show sucked the town sucks because I know they people have to be jacking up prices like crazy because people come up there. Cops didnt have that big of a problem with them. But I did have a good time, just due to the fact I was being a total jackass and thats the only way to be at a car show.

well my take…

after attending the show for what i bleiev this will make the 6th year it was the worst show that they ever had…thye attendance was very low…sponsors that are usually did not attend…

still see the same cars that i seen the last 6 times…the icehouse room was amazing… though it is not my style you gotta have respect for the time and effort that was put into those cars and trucks let alone the money…

the bikini contest was bunk Ashley got jipped… the burnout contest was the lamest its ever been… but all in all the heckeling that made that event fun 6 years ago still makes it all worth it even now…

ill never look at a waffel house the same way every again…and im buying a chain for my wallet…thanks starboy!

and the after party ha the dj sucked think i covered that and let everyone in the place know…2 dollar long island ice teas are not a good idea…and to sum it up it takes 3 dudes that can care less abou what other think to get the party started…starboy does the best fish on a hook i ever seen…

last not least we need to find out the name of the “celeberity” that 10 grand wasnt enough for him…and heckel the shit out of him…i know he has to have an internet site…

fun times…def fun hanging with new members of the board …cool to shoot the shit with munster and realize how funny that groups of poeple that go there seperate ways in life end up hanging back out in one way or another

“whoop that trick”

I am so glad to be home. Dont htink Ill be attending another car show for a while. That was the most expensive, less than spectular show Ive been to in a while. This show has proven that Carlisle has def lost its flare. The ice house was cool. I hate it when people spit on my car…seriously, I know its a piece but what the fuck?! It was pretty low key, minimal cops and tickets from what I saw. Time to hit the sack. Lates.

I personally hate carshows anyhow, but it’s a chance to just hang out with everyone and rock out (although I give it a shot, I just can’t compare to Whitey and Spangler)

The Ice House isn’t my thing either, but some of the setups were amazing. The paint on the red eclipse was awesome. It was actually driveable too which gets more props.

The show was definitely weak for Carlisle. Nightlife was the usual, because it seems like western PA always has fun and are the loudmouths everywhere. I didn’t witness the salsa, although I wish I could have. We did manage to get the cops called on us at the go-carts from the homosexual go-cart nazi, did an on location news coverage of a burning couch until we were told to leave, and found a sweet green sombrero that one of the Altoona kids took home.

“They better pay me 20 grand to come back.” That guy was just a homo that wanted Spangler. You were the one that he remembered from the night before. haha.

It was cool to get to hang out with everyone, but that’s what makes the shows fun. Cleaning your car constantly sucks.

PS…Whitey, I’ll upload my tripod shots from the ice house. I went back in when there were less people there, and got some good ones.

get em:bowrofl:

So I cant sleep and Im still kinda jacked. rofl. This was my take on the show as posted on Carlisle Productions forum:

DISCLAIMER: These views are soley my personal opinion of Carlisle Productions 2006 Performance and Style. They do not reflect those of the group or individuals for whom I represent. Love me or hate me, I’ve been to my fair share of car shows.

Lets start with the bad because hey, thats what matters and thats what Carlisle Productions is most likely to focus on, right?!

Lose the drive through judging. Don’t let NCCA rule Carlisle. Bring it back to what it WAS…
Sure, let NCCA do their thing, bring in all the big name cars/teams, that gives the spectators some excellent examples of nicely done cars and more bang for their buck, but don’t take away the FUN that made this show famous.
(Unfortunately It’s turned into a politcal, drive-through, money hand-off. bullshit)

Lose the “Fun Field” and re-think your show field strategy. Group the vehicles TOGETHER. Judges get to see the cars side by side. No guessing games! no mistakes! Sure this more work, but the work is worth it. IT is what made Carlisle BIG and FUN, that is what the people want, and that is what they pay you for.

I personally registered for “Fun Field” because it was cheaper than paying for passes and parking all weekend. Given, my car is not of super clean/highly modified Top Flight quality…the last thing I want to see when I go to Carlisle is a STOCK CAVALIER in the show field.

The Ice House was about the only attractive area of the show. Sure, eye candy, boobies and endless clones of APC booths are there for the taking, nothing really caught my eye more than MOST of the vehicles on display in that building. I do give credit to Top Flight this year. Much better than in the past. (motocross jumpers were cool too!)

Obviously, attendance was very poor this weekend. Was is the police? mmm, no. I was actually suprised by the low police presence and violations that occurred. I guess the re-routing of show cars to the entrance removed any chance the five-0’s had to pick off the hundreds of bored competitors that used to sit in traffic along the main drag as in the past. (Smart move)

Was is the price? eeh, nah. As with every other car show, registration fees have nearly doubled in the recent years, ya know, the whole inflation thing.

Was it the management and the promotion of the show? Well, I’ll leave that up to you to decide. If a blind man could see, then maybe everyone could find more information about the show on the website instead of the veri-sign check-out button and pictures of dj lady tribes fake tits strewn about :>)

Better luck next time guys. I don’t think I’ll be there, along with the hundreds of other unsatisfied/disgruntled/irate Carlisle goers of the past. Maybe its me getting older, 8 years later and not being that 16 yr old kid anymore or maybe this weekend was just a plain old car show disaster. (At least the weather was outstanding!)



here you go spangler, have at it!

i saw be_rad’s car but I just never saw him out… i thought it was all a big hoax

he and mrs. be_rad locked themselves in the hotel room for most of the weekend.:boink

well thats about as cool as herpes


truth… and i thought he was supposed to be the god of all car shows.

i just want to give props out to the little dude that was buying madd shots