Carlisle 2010 in pictures: What you missed...

this thread is an instant classic.

whole e fuck

Those are fuckin brutal. Hamilton has a lot of these losers. I just cant believe how these people think their cars look good, it seriously boggles my mind.

lol I’ll post some pics up in a bit.

It amazes me that these kind of cars are still there every year, but it is funny to actually look at some of the stuff that people think they have done a good job building and its shit.

Number of well built cars did seem to be up, but the weather sucked ass.

what “show” was this?

lots of awesome going on in those pics btw. thanks for sharing

So we loaded up Newman’s E30 and made the trip down to Carlisle without issue. I didn’t stick around for the show on Saturday and instead spent the day in NYC.

I drove back to Carlisle for Sunday and got to see some of the terrible cars at the show. But on the way back everyone wanted to skip the highways and drive some alternate routes. I decided to tag along even though we all knew I wouldn’t be able to keep up with the cars the entire time. So we decided to meet up in some small town in PA and originalsin and I plugged it into my GPS.

I kept up pretty good but when we hit the first serious mountain I fell behind and was on my own. I wasn’t paying much attention to the directions and just trusting my navigation… until eventually over a period of hours the road thinned out… then disappeared entirely, leaving me driving on this;

I drove for 2 hours at a max speed of 25mph down this barley 1 lane road… over wood bridges, steep hills and having to stop once to remove a tree from my path, making it obvious no one had been this way in quite a while. I even lost satellite reception at one point where the valley was so steep that their wasn’t a clear view of the sky. The “road” I was on would have super fun if I wasn’t trailing anything.

I was supposed to make it to the meet point 30min before everyone, but instead they were left waiting over an hour for me. Why didn’t I just turn around and find another route? Backtracking almost 2 hours would have really kept them waiting. That, and there wasn’t ANYWHERE to turn around with a trailer. The few places that could have been suitable to turn might have left me stuck… and that wasn’t a cheerful thought out in the middle of nowhere.

Glad that’s over with :slight_smile:

^Jesus and I thought going through a few national parks with down branches everywhere was bad:ugh:

That drive at 25mph was probably wonderful though. Talk about taking the scenic route lol.

Something tells me you spent as much time staring in the side view mirror as you were looking forward…pure focus on that trailer tire and the edge of the road:eek4:

This thread totally brightened my day, the subtle sarcasm- If you tried to tell this story without pics no one would believe that much rice could be in one place. You guys took it like champs though.

Yep. Lots of checking the mirrors and positioning the truck so that the trailer dodged the holes in the road.

At one point I was driving on a solid slab of rock that stuck out from a wall- no dirt or stones up that high since it had all washed away down into the valley…

Ha… might want to turn off dirt roads on your GPS. :slight_smile:

And thank you Newman, this thread allows me to see all the suck that is Carlisle without having to go.

I know what the problem is. There are 3 routes that it chooses and normally I always use “quick” but this time we picked “normal” because the route looked more like what originalsin had mapped out. The last time I used “normal” was for the blowneuros meet last year… and that took us right into the ghetto. It did tell me this time after selecting “normal” that “private roads are included in this route” but we didn’t think much of it at the time. I’ll never not choose “quick” again…

Rice, tacky and guadiness is in…:ugh:
This is like the 90’s all over again, but worse!

An anouncment over the PA system at the show said “thanks for coming out to Carlisle and showing the world that the scene is STILL ALIVE!!” lol

Yes, alive and well…

lol josh thats INSANE!

It is nice that so many poor people with horrible unpainted and bondo’d body kits have a place to meet and show of their rides though.

haha, awsome…i dont remember seeing the mountain dew car. i must of missed that gem