Carlisle 2010 in pictures: What you missed...

you’re not allowed to have open container in carlisle, maybe thats why they took your beer.
We were helping cops get tickets making people rice out and do burn outs and drift. We got one ford lightening POS truck pulled over because we egged him on and he did a pull in front of 3 cops hidden behind a gas station lol.

we had the cops come to our hotel like 6 times, they dont care as long as you’re drinking your beer in a cup, and not doing stupid retarded shit. we had a blowup doll with a huge dick on it and the cops enjoyed it lol. They were pretty cool

that isn’t the dewmeister, that is jaegers new car. he was sponsored by mountain dew because of its awesomeness

Whats up with the battery wiring? That gold plated stud on the breaker is almost touching, and isnt there a ground wire missing?

these are the only cars I want to see from Carlisle. I can go to all kinds of good shows and see amazing cars, but this shit… Im amazed our local cotton candy Neon didnt attempt the trip down.

ever since last year i always look forward to this thread =) thanks newman

So much for snky, snky. Way to blow my cover…

nah, lets keep this thread American

That’s an astounding amount of dogshit.


HAHAHAH awesome I have to go next year just to see that kinda shit. :tup: would read again lol

oh man this is classic carlisle…the last year I went…Aimen was getting pulled over in teh S4…I think Viper was there with the Tib…and the rice was astounding

is this where Pep boys gets promoted ?


Andy messing around with some guy while we were admiring some rice. haven’t you ever heard of bubble windows?
sorry for the wind noise in this one, it was unbearable on sunday

and Newman’s funnel tits were a good rebound to try and catch sour patch kids and these amazing crackers/chips whatever they were called.

Nice work Newman :tup:

the fact that newman provides this kind of coverage is a favour to us all… now no one has to go ever again, we can simply wait for this thread annually.

mind you, it WAS incredible the last time we went… i have video chasing justin on his bike as he leaned into some heavy turns on the 15 north… no comment on anything else :slight_smile:

The unfortunate thing is all those good parts of 15 have been bypassed.

What a weekend, lol. I towed the E30 down thanks to evoMR and got into a little adventure of my own on the way home. But it pails in comparison to the experience that is this car show…

pails. hah!

cmon, lets hear the story josh!

Lol, another year of fail entertainment haha.

what a fucking disaster those cars are…