Carpet Cleaners?

Any recommendations on home carpet cleaners?

Buffalo Carpet Cleaning & restoration never showed… twice.

(these guys… )



Used executive a few times, no complaints.

we just had ours done by stanley steamers. can’t complain either. although they weren’t really that bad to begin with.

I’ve used Stanley Steemer and AAA Spectrum. AAA Spectrum was half the price and 4 times the quality.

steamsters cleaning. its a friends company started by himself. can’t find the number but i will post back with it. pretty good deals and great job

I have a steam cleaner.

I’ve used a Hoover a few times and they work really well.

My parents use Stanley.

If you want to DIY just rent a rugdoctor. Same machine most companies use. Plus then you can do your car or whatever else you have.

you can rent a steam cleaner… when i worked for ross you could get a 1 day rental on a saturday after 12 and you would have it until monday by 8am. would probably be your best bet for getting everything done. if you do a day rental in the morning you have to have it back end of day the same day…just a thought if you want to save some cash.

I decided instead of paying to have it done or renting the machines to just buy one.

It’s paid for itself several times over. Took the time to research it at the time and that one is very highly rated.

That is the exact one that i have used 4x. It works VERY well. A+ to the hoover.

Hey Jeff, call Power 4, he does a great job, and is very reasonable. (716) 863-3748.

You know, I had it in my head they were much more than that. Thats pretty much what it would cost for me to have it done by someone else…

Do you need anything else with it? Cleaner or anything?

Yeah, you’d have to buy the bottle of shampoo, they’re like 15-20 doll hairs…

I always use their branded cleaner because the sample bottle it came with worked so well. The big bottle of the super concentrate has lasted me a while. No idea how much it is because the wife does that shopping. I think it’s this one:

Only complaint I have is I wish the tanks were bigger. It takes a while to do the whole house because you have to stop and empty the waste tank/refill the solution tank so often. At least they were smart enough to make the two hold the same amount so you do them both at the same time every time. Not a huge deal though since it’s not like you’re using it constantly like the regular vacuum.

Decided to try it myself.

Note to self: pay someone else to do it next time.

(Which I actually tried to do. After getting stood up by 2 different companies I said fuck it. How hard do you have to try to give a local company work around here? jesus…)