Cartman007 is still alive and in the motherf**king house!

I don’t recall claiming to “not care”. But you seem easily confused, so I’ll just chalk it up to some points i’ve alluded to previously.

Lastly, i have no problem with you. I simply objected to your fictitious or grossly inflated claims about your wife. If you want to marry some ugly broad who makes you happy, then by all means, do it. But just don’t wander onto the internet and tell me that this circle is really a square.

There were no ficticious or inflated claims made about my girl, you can believe what you want, I am not trying to impress you or anyone. Once again, name calling my girl ‘some ugly broad’ is uncalled for.

So where are the pics of your supermodel woman… or is it a guy? :gay:

:tup: congrats man. Hope everything continues to go good for you.

If anyone has seen you in person, they all know Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. :stuck_out_tongue:


lmao dont tell me this circle is really a square

Hey Jimbo whats up man.

Seems like you got life by the ass, good for you.

I think your wife is smokin hot

newman post a pic of ur wife/gf/bf/dog/whatever… stop being a faget

holy fuck hes alive

Hey … Whats’ up Jim … long time no hear from … welcome back around … and congrats on the baby … im also a father now

Long time no see Jim. :tup:

Newman, save the petty bullshit drama for off-topic please. Don’t you have a car sub-frame to work on or something?

haha, i’m not posting pictures of anyone i care about.

haven’t we learned a lesson here?

but i assure you she is not only far more attractive, but far more successful as well.

i’m sure a few board members can attest.

haha. ok. i’m just hatin’. The end of my day Flew by, but yeah, those bushings aren’t going to remove themselves. Ciao’

Hey Cartman… long time no see. :slight_smile:

Things are doing good I see, aside from the Syclone.

Are you posting this from a home? An apt? Your Rover?

Really though… if you got beef air it out, don’t just be a douche about it.
Typical newman, I know, the shock factor left with UBRF, but Cartman is overall a decent dude right?

I’m betting Jim’s chick > your chick.
Attractive doesn’t start till they are >17.

Hey, welcome back.

Sure you don’t remember me, but I remember talking to you in like a Tops lot once about your truck.

Good to hear you’ve done well for yourself.

if you dont mind my asking, how much did you let the sy go for?

i know back on s-series forum you were asking round $22±K

hey man, how ya been? i think your one of the few that left ny and didnt come back :stuck_out_tongue:

<— 93pgt, if that sounds more familiar ha

Hey Jim. Good to see you around! Congrats on all the changes!

You’ll find a lot of people here haven’t changed. Some have grown up, others are just stuck in a time warp. Just ignore Newman. He isn’t worth your time.

Talk to you later…


congrats on all you’ve done and where you’re at, man :slight_smile:

Hey Jim it looks you’re doing very well in the game of life. It all comes down to what is important at your stage of the game and I think we’re on the same page at the moment.

after a certain point in most people’s lives:
happily married with healthy kid(s) > banging as many sluts as possible

Sure lots of us had our share of fun when we were in college and for a bit after, but some people aren’t looking to carry that up to or into their 30’s Newman. :slight_smile:



when is the rematch with you and joe? 2010?

Hey Jim long time, no talk… I recognize Neal we go WAYYYYYYYYYYY back lol about 15-20yrs. Glad to see your doin well and cute baby, Congrats on everything!