Cartman007 is still alive and in the motherf**king house!

Thanks bro, seen you up on the myspace, glad to see you are doing well.

Been hit in the balls in your blue shorts by any nerf footballs lately? :rubicant: that was one of the funniest (for everyone but you) things I seen at a meet before

Its for sale…LOL…btw have u talked to Tynan at all

excellent, glad to hear it has been tastefully done (finally! :pimp:)

He is still in Cali for the time being, he has been touring and his latest record just got nominated for a big jazz award, he is doing well.

Tell Neal whats up.

will do. He is getting HUGE (in a good way), dude murders the gym like everyday. He is still working at Hummer making good $, living in a swank bachelor pad near the city and getting tail all the time, he is big pimpin.

congratulations on marrying the shot girl. :tup:

Ok so you do know…I didnt know if you had been keeping in touch with him or not

congrats on still being a loser :lolham:

Glad to see there are still some jealous haters out there, hope all is good for you too as your ignorance has blinded you to the good things in life. Keep focusing and wasting your energy on jealousy and bullshit, I am sure it will get you far! :rx3:

what the fuck is up man?

congrats on the poop machine

Thanks, so when are you coming down to visit bro? I have an extra room for you anytime you want it.

Also, are you going to come down to Daytona this year with Jay? I would love to go see him race and meet up with you. Keep in touch, my digits are still the same.

things i am not jealous of:

shitty wife.
shitty kid.
halfway decent car.
shitty dog.
your house that appears to be located in a swamp.

things i am jealous of:

:lol: oh boy

I’m too newb to know you apparently, but congrats anyway :tup:

a shitty kid and a shitty dog



Once again, your opinion does not matter, but I would love the opportunity to meet you face to face and see if you had the balls to say any of that to my face. I’ll let you know when I come to town this spring. I am sure your parent’s money would cover the hospital bills you would need.

Ignore him.

ah… the old failsafe.

“intellectually outmatched? threaten to kick my ass.”

you must not care at all about that SWEET stuff because you’d be willing to give it all to me just for a few swings at my smiling face.

:wave: Hey Jim welcome, sort of… Congrats on the baby, that’s so much more important than the house and a few cars.

Don’t mind Newman, he’s just pissed he can’t get a house of his own.

X… :lol:

I have a BA in Law and own 2 successful businesses, I am sure I am not ‘intellectually outmatched’. I am also finishing my JD as well.

For someone who ‘doesn’t care’ you sure have taken a lot of interest in this thread.

When you stoop as LOW as to talk smack about a defenseless baby and someone’s wife/girlfriend that reaches the realm of ‘fighting words’. Of course hiding behind your computer up in NY it is easy for you to take the pussy way out which is exactly what you are. I have wasted enough time and energy here in this thread. Feel free to continue with your childish insults by pm. Thanks.