CASH FOR CLUNKERS parts question? (HELP)

This question in a way is kinda stupid but I figured i’d ask to see what other people would do.

I know they put the LIQUID GLASS in the motors to kill them, but i was told all this stuff does is screw up the motor internals.

I need a intake manifold from a car do u think it would be alright to use the manifold cause they said that liquid only screwed up the bearings in the motor or any moving parts is what I was told. The intake manifold has no moving parts but i’m not sure if that liquid would clog the intake manifold also.

Just need some clearifcation on what the liquid actually does? And if it is alright to use the upper and lower intake manifold off one of these cars?

Thanks for the HELP

the liquid glass was poured into the crankcase, the intake is only bringing air in… i think you’ll be fine

send it to a machine shop to be checked and cleaned

to be honest, most of those motors overheated and seized and the glass didnt do shit, that being the case, i wouldnt be surprised if the intake was warped.

send it to a machine shop to be checked and cleaned

to be honest, most of those motors overheated and seized and the glass didnt do shit, that being the case, i wouldnt be surprised if the intake was warped.

Do u think they did anything to the coolant also, I dodnt hear they did but there are coolant ports on a intake.

They dumped liquid glass in the crank case. So no.

Well that wht I figured but I didn’t know if they got a little crazy with that stuff. I am assuming that stuff didn’t even work right cause they had to dran the oil and put 2 quarts of said fluid in the car and this stuff isn’t oil so we all know wht happens when u don’t use oil and I think that what happen to these motors. Thanks for the just needed someone elses opion on take the intake manifold.