Epic Fail?

I think so


“My car was idling like crap the other day so I figured since I just got it, it may have been awhile since anyone changed the oil out. I decided to go ahead and change the oil. I used Mobile 1 synthentic oil like I was reccomended on here. Anyways, I drain out the oil and noticed it was extremely dark and even after 10 minutes of draining, it was still coming out. I decided to go ahead and flush it to make sure all the bad stuff got out. I hooked up the hose, ran water through the engine, started it up and was waiting for the water to come out clean (The engine never went above idle so I was told this would be ok). Anyways, About 3 minutes into this, then engine starts shaking and shuts off. I figured it was all cleaned out so I plugged it up, added the oil and figured I was ready to go. WRONG! The car won’t freaking start now. This car has been nothing but trouble for me, I think I am done with it.”

A little sand in the intake will scrape off the rust from the water. :tup:


Man…what a shitty car…:fail:

does anyone remember the guy who ran sand through his intake to try to smooth out the ports?? :slight_smile:

Nope. Never heard that one before. :stuck_out_tongue:

:banghead::roflpicard::roflpicard::roflpicard: wow it almost seems too retarded to be true lol!

found it again. lol



you do private detective work? if so is your rate anywhere in the -$50/hour range?

I though I knew nothing abut cars…

my winter beater 84 monte carlo ran like shit, so i very slowly sucked water through the intake to steam clean the engine, it actualy worked! Car ran better and when the motor came apart after winter the cly heads and the top of the pistons where clean. I didnt put the water in the crank case, just fed it slowley thorugh the vaccume line that ran to the master cyl. Same as using seafoam. was also cool to see the steam comming out of the holes in the exhaust!

Why does every idiot story usually include the line “My buddy who tunes hondas told me…”

omfg what a moron lol

I guess you can kill a honda if thats what he does to them.

Here I was thinking it was a joke. But the punchline never comes, he just followed someone’s sarcastic advice.

:lol: that is great ^^^^


Well done, sir. :bigclap:

Because every window licker who’s put a fart can on a Civic tells their window licking buddies that they’re “tuners.”