fake :dunno:
well then
this shit has to be fake, nobody could be that dumb…not even a ford owner
i dont think its fake, someone found a post from him earlier where someone repsonded “you should probably run 20-30 gallons of water through the engine then crank it over a bit” and he took it literally…
poor noob
I bet the guy that told him to do that feels like a dick,
It only makes me wonder what some of our poor pittsburgh noobs have done based on the moderators sarcastic advice
retarted wow… i sort of feel bad. for the car that is.
Cliffs? I get access denied.
Port and polish via 25lbs of blasting sand through the intake.
this one was a guy changing his oil and ran 20-30 gallons of water through the engine then tried to crank it over,
I believe he ran the water through the engine while it was running.
Oops I thought this thread was the one with Mr. port and polish at home for the link…I got access is denied after the first time I saw it.