chopped,quiks truck in front of cheeks 240
post up the video of the roll race mac, wheres hes nothing but in the rear playing catch up
no locations
we should do a friday weekly trip from the “cruise” to the “carhop”
Caste - > Jerrys FTW!
hey remember no locations dan:stick:
from wexford to jerrys sounds pimp and im up for it
ill be picking up drunk people friday night
you a jitney driver now or something?
Looks like we’ll be fightin the rain on friday, hit or miss all day.
fuck them let them grow up
better to have DD than drink and drive
let them grow up and realize shit
If they are responsible enough to get a DD a few days in advance, they obviously don’t need to grow up anymore. they already proved that they know right from wrong and are smart enough to make the right decision.
getting hammerd=overated
and yes DD is smart but no way in hell a few ppl are fitting into the broken down celica, it cant haul dan’s hairy ass around rather a few others without breaking
You do not know how much these people will drink. A few beers is enough to get a dui for, so why risk it. what crawled up your ass today? (other than the normal gerbils and hamsters that you use on a daily basis)
ok thats funny heh… Im taking whiteys jetta.