cat wont stop shitting

I had a cat.It was my grandparents,they found it in 1984.It had a tumor pressing on its optic nerve,causing blindness.However,the cat STILL found its way to the litter box.Had to have it put down in 02’ or 03’.

as to repeat what nikuk said, move the shit into the box while cat is watching than place cat in box. also use a cleaner that is specific to animals that contains oder eliminating enzymes as cats tend to shit in the same spot and can still smell it if you just clean with regular carpet cleaner. wrd

ive been trying this for weeks, with no luck. i swear to god that cat chukles eerytime it leaves butt candy on my vintage carpet. vile fucking creatures.

If your litter box is dirty, she prob doesn’t want to poo in it. Or have you recently changed to a different brand litter? Some cats are fucking stupid and picky. Change back to the one you were using when she used the box.

can i have the orange kitten? please

Nikuk, you have two very cute kitters.

my cat seems to forget once in a while where she needs to go. I will never forget the time my mom called me (she lives at their house) complaining about my cat walking into the middle of the living room and taking a crap while my mom was trying to watch Grey’s Anatomy. She was pissed.

Like other people said, use an enzyme cleaner like Nature’s Miracle, and be persistent about putting some in the litter box and making them see/smell it there. Changing litter, location of the litter box, even the litter box itself causes the little furballs to protest and poop elsewhere

simple solution, get rid of the cat. mainly because cats are gay, and secondary because it shits on the floor.