CAZWRX87... this all for you, bud!

dunno how much i trust you on this,

but if true, i’ll take a date with her mom.


Hey sammy! Its Seamus from Inline lol.

where your facebook link?

you can…haha…ive known the op for years…

Hmmm, i think your a bit confused here.

hiiiiiiiiii! :slight_smile:


Wayne64SS is unavailable.

Why can’t women type like men? No wonder they’re constantly being looked down on.

this is why people get into dumb arguements on here. because everyone likes to call people out on dumb shit.

You’re getting better. Keep practicing

lol thanks…

fucking need this hooked up like yesterday…sweatynready, i swear i’ll take her out to dinner first :dunno

waitttt… whos taking who out to dinner?!

Wanna go to Red Robin, little girl?

little girl? i am not a little girl. lolol


Whoa justin knows the OP? RED FLAG!!!

Lesson number one : If you want respect on shift and you are a girl don’t make your username sweatyandready…I mean srsly c’mon?

“i have been called an attention whore and also been told that i have low self esteem”

“i dont really know what else to say but i know im not an attention whore and i do not have low self esteem”

“how do i see how many rep points i have or whateverrr?”

ANDDDDDDDDD… your a attention whore… with low self esteem… go /end yourself. that is all.