CAZWRX87... this all for you, bud!

WOULD SMASH…both of you.

Fine no ice cream for you

awwww im sorry now i feel bad :frowning:

I’m taking him out to lunch to ease his pain.

hahaha im sure you guys will have a great timee

I tried to be nice and you were a jerk:'(


pick me up on the way? it’s not like you wont be passing by my house (being at work is irrelevent), we can ride buts to nuts to nuts.

:hug :beer

I’m at work!



noooooo i wasnt. im sowwwwy!

To late the damage has been done

ohhh stopppppp

Nope I am going to sit in the corner now with a half gallon of cookie dough ice cream and cry

cookie dough is my favoriteeeeeee!! im jealous

See you could have had some but you choose to be a jerk instead

i didnt mean to be :frowning: did you friend request me on facebook? because like 10 of you guys did and idk who is whooo.

don’t worry i’m on my way to his house to console him from the damage you have done…and eat ice cream.


I dont have facebook so it was not me. You let me know when you want to play nice and we can go get some cookie dough ice cream